Question about diapers
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I was looking around last week for diapers and stumbled across this site. It allows you to order samples of 1 or more diapers at a time for a decent price. Go here:
diaper samples prices look all under a dollar per diaper.
Also try Molicare diapers
where you can get 14 diapers starting at 15$.
or Tranquility ATN
these seem to be a little cheaper, but I have not had either diaper myself yet.
I also found Lynncore has some Free samples
Where they have some free samples, but nothing much really, but if your looking to try some stuff out, free might be the way to go ($5.50 shipping I think)

I spent a couple days off and on looking, was going to wait to share these things until I had a chance to check some of them out. I hope this helps

oopps forgot one also found you can get samples of the X-
plus diaper $7 for 2 but has free shipping.
Mina Silverwind
All of those are valid options, Bambinos dont work for me, they are good for some, but I go for whatever is the best deal with the best features.
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