Project Eden (SF Horror TG)
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Apologies if anyone has posted these (I can't find them here, at any rate), but they certainly rank as one of the most imaginative, inventive, and well-made TG films I have ever seen ...



I'm not mad on the heavily forced / sadism element, but still ... ***Sighs*** If only technology was that good.  
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Of I loved that video since a friend showed it to me. I just wish the creator posted the uncut with that quality or better on on youtube instead of second life.

 Of I loved that video since a friend showed it to me. I just wish the creator posted the uncut with that quality or better on on youtube instead of second life.  

That would have been nice, but I think the only way it was ever getting on YouTube was with the discreet censor blurs ... at least for any significant amount of time before the moral police flagged it. I think there is still somewhere the uncensored version can be bought, but I find it easy and cheap to let my imagination fill in the gaps.  
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  I agree about the quality could be better , I,d drop the tail if it where me . nice job THX,s for posting it sweetie  
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