professional Nurseries
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Hey i was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these places? Also if anyone knew of any within the united states? I have been thinking of going to one if i can get the money/find the right place, but dont really know of any within the US. I know of a few in the UK but that kind of traveling would make the cost/worth ratio a little off scale.
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 Hey i was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these places? Also if anyone knew of any within the united states? I have been thinking of going to one if i can get the money/find the right place, but dont really know of any within the US. I know of a few in the UK but that kind of traveling would make the cost/worth ratio a little off scale.  

Hi sweety. I can understand your desire to look for a nursery, However I have never heard of one here in the USA. Although I know I started a local ABDL group here and about a year latter their where others offering babysiting services. You might have an easier time finding an AB sitter than a nursery.
Sorry but that is wrong - there are nurseries here in the USA!

There is Mommy Madeline in Chicago, near the airport.

There is Mistress Nichole in St. Petersburg, FL:

There is a nursery in Dothan, AL. There is one in Arizona. There is one in Cleveland, OH. There is one in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There is a BDSM dungeon right in the heart of midtown Manhattan which does offer AB services. And I know I have run across others as well.

Not to mention there are a TON of Adult Babysitters out there! You just have to look for them - it's not too hard when you use Google.


Baby Butch
I agree that there are several adult nurserys in the USA. There was a place in Florida I was gonna check into. I contacted them and the waiting list was huge. They would not give their location, due to negative publicity. They also stopped doing business for some reason? I think it was Mommy Kit Kat.

I have found some adult babysitters within an hour or two of my house. One only took girl babies the other charged something rediculous like $100 Hr. I have also heard of an adult nursery in both Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington, if they are still in business. Hotels in Los Vegas, Nevada will sent a woman in to diaper you and I think prostitution is legal there.
Is there any in california? Preferable in or near sacremento?
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
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