XXX Would you have prefered NOT to have been potty trained?
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I know many of us fantasise about being diapered 24/7 but if you had your time again, and could choose the way you were bought up, would you have prefered NOT to be potty trained? I know some people have no choice in this matter due to medical reasons. But what if you could choose with the benefit of foresight, knowing full well all the consequences that would come from that decision?

Personally I would still have wanted to be potty trained because I like the detachment of my adult-self from my baby-self which allows me a bolt-hole from stress when I need one. Plus I think fanatsies are often way more powerful and pleasurable than reality.
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 I know many of us fantasise about being diapered 24/7 but if you had your time again, and could choose the way you were bought up, would you have prefered NOT to be potty trained? I know some people have no choice in this matter due to medical reasons. But what if you could choose with the benefit of foresight, knowing full well all the consequences that would come from that decision?

Personally I would still have wanted to be potty trained because I like the detachment of my adult-self from my baby-self which allows me a bolt-hole from stress when I need one. Plus I think fanatsies are often way more powerful and pleasurable than reality.  

If I had my time again I would be potty trained if I was brought up again, I’ve been trained in diapers by my Daddy so I know what it’s like wearing a diaper for as long a time He chooses, mostly being His diapered sissy maid and doing domestic chores. I do like it but I wouldn’t want to be in diapers 24/7, my Daddy wouldn’t keep me in diapers all the time because he likes me to please Him as His grown up girl so I can’t do that in diapers.
Considering all the harassment and bullying I got just for trying to be a normal boy growing up, I could only assume it would have been worse had I had diapers on 24/7. Sure, the scenario is nice for fantasies, stories, and roleplay. But, for real life purposes, I'm glad I am fully trained and hope to stay continent for as long as I possibly can.

That, and with the way I enjoy being a sissy, it is more gratifying knowing I'm being forced to use the diaper.
You girls can have your pink. Dress this boi in yellow!
Fetlife Page
honestly i would have chose not to b potty trained. also if i had the choice to choose my gender i would have been a natural girl rather than a boy. but all in all if it wasnt for the way i was brought up and the situations i have been in i wouldnt b who i am today.
This raises another question. Do you mean, with society the way it is today or in an alternate society where some people just aren't potty trained and it's normal? Maybe everyone is in diapers?

I would like to wear diapers 24/7 in a place where approximately 50% of the people wear diapers. (gotta have a mommy or daddy :P)
It's almost my birthday!
Maybe if poo didn't exist and there were no repercussions for not doing it.
So, maybe in an alternate fantasy reality. It just wouldn't work out, here.
No. I had a hard enough time in school. If I'd had to wear diapers, it would have been unbearable.

In an alternate world where a lot of people wore diapers, having to wear them wouldn't be so humiliating, which would take a lot of the fun out of it for many of us. So that possibility doesn't seem to work, either.
- Sissy Desiree

Jennifer Funshine
Well, growing up and living the majority of my life in a hospital I would have preferred
NOT being potty trained, it would have made things easier for me in the long run.
I couldn't tell you the number of accidents I've endured simply because of being plugged
into machines and things like that. School wouldn't have changed too drastically either.
I actually have this memory of being left alone by a bully after he discovered I was wearing diapers to school that day. He figured I was genuinely handicapped and didn't want to be expelled for injuring me if the teacher caught him.
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