How To Post Videos
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We have buttons for posting just about any type of video file!   Here you can learn what our various buttons, dohickies, hoosie-whatsits, and bells-n-whistles do!

Posting videos on video sharing sites like Youtube, Daily Motion, Metacafe, Google, and more.

Press the button that looks like this

Posting other video files

(Windows Media Files) - Press this button for files that end with any of these: .avi .asf .asp .wma .wmv .mp3 .mpg .mpeg
(QuickTime Files) - Press this button for files that end with any of these: .mov .wav .aif .qt .raw .mp4
(Real Media Files) - Press this button for files that end with any of these: .rm .ra .ram

(Flash Files) - Press this button for files that end with any of these: .swf .flv .as

Once you press one of these, two tags will show up and just put the address of the file in between the two tags. The address of a video file would look something like this:

The Tags will look something like this:


Then, just place the address inbetween them like this:


Flash files need width and height to be added to the flash BB Code tags. It is the height and width in pixels. This is how to add them:

Just add ="height=600 width=580" to the first tag like this:

[TAG="height=600 width=580"][/TAG]

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