Possitive Affirmation
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My RL momma is in the hospital and she is having heart surgery in the morning, so if everyone who reads this, even if they don't reply, send out a possitive thought in their head that would make me very happy. She is only 41 but this is the second time this has happened. Apparently she was born withan abnormally small artery that eventually collapsed. In 2001 they put in a heart stint, which is kinda like a bridge holding it up, but now they think that has collapsed too, which caused her to have a heartattack Thursday.

I love you all very much
It's almost my birthday!
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Baby Butch
Very sorry to hear this and on Thanksgiving too. Best wishes to your Momma and God's blessings for a complete recovery.
Thank you Butch. I just got back from the hospital a few minutes ago. The surgery didn't go as planned and they discovered that she is going to have to have triple bypass surgery on Thursday. This is a big shock to our whole family and although there is a lot of stress this is putting us their is one thing thar is kinda cool. Yale university is doing a study on women under 50 who have heart disease and what causes it and my mom is gonna be featured in their printing.

(for the record, those thinking she must be really fat to have a heart attack that, she's not. That's why this has come as such a suprise. We both eat very healthily. The doctors say that even with good diet, with our family history it's always gonna be possible. Makes me nervous$
It's almost my birthday!
Baby Butch
Sorry the news wasn't better, best wishes and I hope the triple bypass surgery comes out ok. I have an uncle who did eat too much and the wrong foods. He actually had 3 triple bypass surgerys and recovered real good from them, he was also much older. Hope your momma still makes a complete recovery.
Little Bo Peep
Best wishes to you both, and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery

Sending you HUGS as they are the best medicine for many things.

Little Bo Peep
Fancy Free & Frilly
Not following the sheep



 Thank you Butch. I just got back from the hospital a few minutes ago. The surgery didn't go as planned and they discovered that she is going to have to have triple bypass surgery on Thursday. This is a big shock to our whole family and although there is a lot of stress this is putting us their is one thing thar is kinda cool. Yale university is doing a study on women under 50 who have heart disease and what causes it and my mom is gonna be featured in their printing.



You can count on my share of positive thoughts, for the triple bypass operation to work out for your mother. May she recover and have as pleasant a Christmas and New Year as possible. Sorry I didn't come across this earlier.

  for your mother and you and all in your family,

I hope that the situation turns out with your mother being returned from the hospital in a healthy condition. I'm not very good at putting in good words but it is horrible that the heart stint might have collapsed. I will think about it and best wishes that the triple bypass goes well.
Best wishes and happy healthy thoughts going out to your momma and your family. Its all genetics for stuff like that. It will be Okay cause its a common medical procedure and other than this your momma is healthy.
Love squeezes and kisses.
Best wishes and happy healthy thoughts going out to your momma and your family. Its all genetics for stuff like that. It will be Okay cause its a common medical procedure and other than this your momma is healthy.
Love squeezes and kisses.


Thank you all so much. The surgery seemed to go well today. I had to go home before everything was settled and she is going to be asleep until tomorrow morning. If you've never seen anyone right after a surgery like that don't. If given the option again I wouldn't have done it. They are hooked up to machines and everything making them breath and it's kind of like looking at a corpse. It was hard not to break down but I had to be strong for my mamaw and sister. I'm so nervous for the morning when I go see her. I love you all so much and your well wishes mean more to me than all the random "prayers" from my extended family members who don't even know me.
Baby Butch
I did say a prayer for your mother myself, your present situation can be very scary. Hopefully she will come around in a few days and get off the machines. There has been many sucessful surgerys of this kind, but I would be scared to death, to let them touch me. Hope she gets well soon.
Update: I brought my mom home last night. She is gonna have to take of wok for two months and can't use her arms for a while so that her breastbone can heal, but I think she will be okay. Thank you so much everyone for helping me stay positive.
Warmest regards for your tough time
Baby Butch
Happy for the good news, she made it through the surgery and is on the way to recovery, best wishes to you both, Baby Butch.
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