PG Pokemon X/Y
I'm making this thread primarily to exchange friend codes, if anyone is interested.
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Hello there ^.^
If you're here in this thread, there's probably a chance that you're interested in the topic at hand. As someone who's been playing Pokemon religiously since it came out, I certainly know that I am.
This most recent generation has been one of my favorites, and perhaps my favorite part about it is the enhanced online system. For that reason, I would love to exchange 3DS friend codes with anyone willing to do so.

For the record, mine is 4141-2684-9777
lots of love
from lilgirl stephy :)
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Hi Stephy,

thought I'd join the fun here *giggles*.

I have pokemon Y, and my 3ds code is 2380 - 4089 - 9783

I'm new here and havent really gotten into my new self yet (i am a boy but really want to be a girl *giggles*), so my 3ds mii is still a boy as I am not prepared to tell everyone I know about this yet.

But my pokemon character is how i wish to be in the future (and is also helping me embrace my girliness), so it is all good to me to add friends from here :)

Add me if you want to and we can play together and have some fun :)

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