playing like a girl
any ideas
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Hi fellow girly girls
i would like some tips into how to play like a little girly girl
Im looking for dollies etc but not sure where to get any decent ones-i cant stand the Tiny Tears sort.
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All you need is a big cuddly stuff animal the rest will fall in place trust me giggles the girly kind. Just follow your heart realy its the best guide to any discovery. Nothing can't beat the mind of a sissy at play. I use to hang out with my Aunt when she worked at her daycare center and played all day with the boys and girls and there was things I liked and didn't just like life hehe like coloring books and watching cartoons things like that. Just look deep inside and tap into that little voice you have wating to get out and let her free and run with it. I can spend hours in a Toys R Us lol. I like dollys too but I also play with my G.I. Joes as well. Walk around toy shops and such something in your inner sissy will smak you right on your bottom and say that, thats what I want to play with lol. Main point is HAVE FUN. BIG HUGS
Baby Butch
You might want to dress up and have a tea party.

Baby Butch
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