Do you do a period every month?
How do you do a "menstration"?
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Yesterday I started my "period" which is really me putting a maxi-pad in my underwear or panties and wearing it all day. I do this for three days and it coincides with my wife's cycle to help me keep it straight.

I was curious if any of you have a "period" and how do you go through it? Do you use a maxi-pad or use a tampon? do you simulate the blood and if so how? I like to reflect on my raw emotions during this time and try to find ways feminize them more, do you do this or do you have other rituals that you do?

Love you all sisters  ,

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Period, no... rituals, absolutely!

By associating important events with rituals (first pair of panties, first month of hormones, first time totally en femme, etc...) you create a subconscious impression of the importance of it. Everyone has a different definition of what's important to them, so keep exploring yourself and I'm certain you'll find satisfaction as you do.

I have my period every month. I may not have a bloody flow but I know it is that time of month. Usually use pads but soemtimes tampons
i love having my sissy period.  A little food coloring and some baby oil makes a wonder simulation as it drips slowly out of me onto my maxipad.

What i really enjoy though is if i am dating a woman who is a pad wearer and i can get one of her used pads to wear.  I put in in my panties and grind against it as i use my dildo, pretending that i am having my period and my husband is using my bottom instead
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