PG The perfect diaper
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                     In your opinion what would be the perfect diaper for you 

For me the perfect diaper would be a true to form adult sized baby diaper with only 2 tabs not 4 and it would have baby prints on them however I wouldn't want it to bulky and it would fit nice and snug around my crouch area and it wouldn't rise above my waist line and there would be no excess material around the leg holes. 
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Baby Butch
Sounds good to me since I am a diaper lover. I have trouble finding a perfect diaper. I always liked Abena X-plus M4. It was form fitting but a little bulky.

They messed up the tapes and I can not remove a tape from the blue backing once I have worn the diaper a while. About one eighth of an inch of the white plastic is exposed.

Take off a tape and the diaper tears every time now. I liked Drycare 24/7 until they changed it. The new ConfiDry 24/7 is like wearing a cardboard box and it is not soft inside.

I stick with Abena and don't undo the tapes. I like Tranquility ATN. You may know about the adult one tape diapers at AB Universe. One is called Cushies the other Stay Dry Kids. Both have prints!
It's a hassle I know, but I love the feel of cloth.  There are diaper designs available on the web and I think the perfect project for a sissy is sewing her own fitted diapers.  There's lots of room for pretty creativity in materials, and of course every sissy needs more chores to do like laundry.
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