Pass the SAFER Act to help bring rapists to justice!
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Please sign the petition to bring the S.A.F.E.R. Act to Congress!

This proposed act will eliminate the backlog of rape kits. Essentially meaning that thousands of untested kits will be sent to labs for testing. Thus being able to help thousands of assaulted women end their situations. It's been shown that over HALF of all rape kits catch the perpetrator when D.N.A is cross checked by the FBI, even when the police had no suspect!

I, myself a victim of child molestation, know the pain these situations can bring, and I know that catching the rapist won't change what happened, but it can prevent the bastards from hurting any others, preserving the innocence of many more.

Please take a few seconds and sign!
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 please sign this. It only takes a moment and you could save so many from so much. There are too many victims, let's make ourselves the last.
I'm so sorry to hear that Kenzie, best of luck with the petition.
Im glad to sign and I hope that my signature will help.  
I just Sign it my Dear being that I was too almost raped in Seattle when I was CD one night Still eats at me from time to time too. BIG HUGS!!!! I wished you could of seen me kicking his ASS too lol. Cops where thinking I was assaulting him lol. BIGGER HUGS!!!!
Hugs And Kissess: SissyMichele. I'm a boy in body, but a wittle girl at heart!


The flower pot of me:
Adam is the Pot. The outside shell but, nothing says you can put a ribbon around it hehe. Michele is the soil the center of which all my being is nurtured. Sissy Michele and Lil' Adam are the two flowers that blossems from them..

A song that helps me get through hard times:
Artist: Enigma / Album: The Cross of Changes / Song: Retun to Innocence, track 3. Very Powerful Message.
i agree that this petition is good and have signed it but we need one more petition and thats to end the statue of limitions on rape. there needs to be no limit on rape it should be as open as murder but anyways i too have been molested and raped and those bastards need to be caught mine have gotten away with it but we as the people need to protect the innocence of the communities as much as possible

 i agree that this petition is good and have signed it but we need one more petition and thats to end the statue of limitions on rape. there needs to be no limit on rape it should be as open as murder but anyways i too have been molested and raped and those bastards need to be caught mine have gotten away with it but we as the people need to protect the innocence of the communities as much as possible  

That actually does more damage than good, I think you'll find. There's already a risk against men of being falsely accused of rape -- research in an average small American town revealed the statistic to be about 1 in every 8 cases but in India the statistic was as high as half. Make of that what you will -- but remove the statute of limitations and there's a higher chance of innocent men being imprisoned and being raped themselves. Let's say you have an unhealthy breakup with a woman and twenty years from now, she states that you raped her. By that time, any evidence that you have that you were elsewhere -- receipts, bills, etc -- will no longer be kept and there'd be nothing to clear your name.

Western laws are already very biased against men, we shouldn't make them even worse.

 That actually does more damage than good, I think you'll find. There's already a risk against men of being falsely accused of rape -- research in an average small American town revealed the statistic to be about 1 in every 8 cases but in India the statistic was as high as half. Make of that what you will -- but remove the statute of limitations and there's a higher chance of innocent men being imprisoned and being raped themselves. Let's say you have an unhealthy breakup with a woman and twenty years from now, she states that you raped her. By that time, any evidence that you have that you were elsewhere -- receipts, bills, etc -- will no longer be kept and there'd be nothing to clear your name.

Western laws are already very biased against men, we shouldn't make them even worse.  

where did u get the statistics from to back up this claim regarding the usa?

 where did u get the statistics from to back up this claim regarding the usa?  


I was actually hoping for something more comprehensive. I remember reading something far more detailed about that first study by Eugene Kanin. It may have been in "Legalising Misandry" but I'm sure it was on that site ...

Although it turns out the rate is higher than my statistic. And all I remember about the details is that Kanin was operating on the method that would actually get a lower statistic; in other words, he only took the word of women who retracted their testimony, so the actual number may be even higher.
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