online games?
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First, if this belongs somewhere else, I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to put it. none of the other forums seemed to fit it right. I looked in the games forum and that looked like mostly forum games.

So, My friends got me into minecraft, but, I don't really know anyone to play with since they play alone, something about griefers or something. Anyways, so, I started playing like them, alone, and it's really lonely. I was wondering if there was anyone here who played, or, had a server, or something. Just, playing a game that goes on forever is really really lonely.
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Yes I have played minecraft and me and my friends have set up a server which i hosted myself. We had terrible lags though because my internteconnection´s uploadcapability isn´t enough:( We gave up on it for now, but if you really want to and don´t mind the lag I could try to get it up again, although i fear that I wouldn´t be playing it for too long since it gets old rather fast(at least for me).

 Yes I have played minecraft and me and my friends have set up a server which i hosted myself. We had terrible lags though because my internteconnection´s uploadcapability isn´t enough:( We gave up on it for now, but if you really want to and don´t mind the lag I could try to get it up again, although i fear that I wouldn´t be playing it for too long since it gets old rather fast(at least for me).  

I, that's why I'm asking. I think that it'd be funner to work together to build stuff, and explore each other's buildings. Mining isn't so fun.
I know that there are server/mod/thingies that let people spawn blocks. so, no mining for items. just building and mining out space.
I just got minecraft recently and would really enjoy playing online with you....if it wasen't for the fact that my computer isn't currently hooked up to internet. My internet currently is only accsesible through the Wii. I hope to change that soon and I would be happy to play with you.
I dint know, I never got into minecraft. I give credit to all those who put in time to build a megastructure like the starship enterprise or the 18:1 scale model of house. Unfortunatly I don't have the patience for something like that.
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