no one asked me did they ask you ?
all the decisions that were made without our say...
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I spend my life puzzling over "Who made that decision"
like who said pink for girls blue for boys ?
who decided the cut off point for wearing diapers ?
Who decided boys clothing should be ugly ?
There are so many decisions made without our input lets see how many we can list it should be fun and a great way to vent xx 
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Sissy Wanda C
So long ago that no one can recall,the hunter scavenger era was not a easy one.Men who larger and stronger did much to set the standard by which we now live. So I'd say nature did.But everything changes a little over time.Men in the 1500s were wearing satins and silks.And now it's coming back!Sissies of the world unite.Long live lingerie!!
Bestest wishes
Sissy Wanda C
Ah to dream dreams
who decided skirts were womens exclusive?
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
It is quite funny really but before the 20th century and indeed in the early part of it, it was tradidtion to dress a baby boy in pink and a baby girl in blue, pink was seen as the more masculine colour - a lighter shade of red I guess.

Also, boys were once called girls!! Yes it is true. Up until the 15th century all children, regardless of gender, were known as girls. Males were known as 'knave' girls and females were 'gay' girls!!! The term boy was used to describe a servant.

Our perception of what is feminine and masculine has altered over the centuries and I dare say will continue to alter. As Sissy Wanda C mentioned men used to wear satins and silks hundreds of years ago and were no less men or masculine, they even had ringlets. But it is funny how it has changed over the eons.

As many of you will I am sure know, 'boys' were often dressed as girls up till the age of around 5. It was not punishment, or a form of humiliation, it didn't 'turn' the boys or make them 'sissies', it was the 'norm'. How things have changed.

But back to to the point of the original post...

"There are so many decisions made without our input lets see how many we can list it should be fun and a great way to vent"

It will always be for me who says we have to grow up?
Jennifer Funshine
This is a really good thread :)
I think everyone ought to chime in with their thoughts

And Little girl inside... you are so spot on!
Who said we had to grow up?

Who said boys can't play with dollies or have tea parties
and snuggle their stuffed animals?
Who said you can't wear diapers after age six?

I grew up in a hospital, I never had a childhood...
there were a few really good times at Christmas
to bring me back into the spirit of things--
Other than that, nothing.

Being a baby girl is my way of reclaiming
a huge part of my spirit once lost to time but found again,
and left to blossom in the garden that is Sissy kiss!
Who said a manly guy can't have pretty pink fingernails.

I have always been jealous of that in particular.
Leslie Ann
Least we forget the most important fact: We all started out as female. In the first stages of conseption we were all female, this changes by the first trimester as DNA defines our gender. The Tao also procalims that we as human animals must embrace both sides of gender. Samuri of old spent more time writing poetry and tending to flower gardens then practicing sword play.

In the end I believe that those who embrace both genders are much more well rounded individuals, some of the most insightful and intelligent people I've met in life have another part of themselves that in (most cases) is hidden from the world. For those men who would never 'dream' of slipping into something soft and pretty, I say, you are missing a part of who you are, there is female inside you, give her a little air; she isn't going to hurt anyone and she can be alot of fun.

Who said this or that, who made the 'rules'? We all did. As society has moved on (can't say evolved, because it really hasn't from a humanist perspective)we have constantly revised the acceptable 'norm'. GG's stood up and burned bras (herrassy)and started to wear pants. At first men were outraged, but being men were persuaded that it was OK for women to do this. Only time and persistance can change a norm, acceptance of something 'out of the box' only comes from those who believe strongly enough to get that standard changed.

Example: I was panty shopping in a major department store when I was approched by a sales person of the female gender. She asked if she could help me, I said I was shopping for under clothes and she proceeded to point me to the men's department. A few minutes later she found me in the intimates department and inquired "I thought you were shopping for under clothes". I am I said, "But these are ladies under clothes", she said. "Are they" I replied, 'what makes them exclusively for women? There are females that wear boxers and even a style known as boyshorts, what does that tell you?' She smiled and commented that I had very good taste and would be happy to ring up my purchases. So there you have it, it's a matter of presenting things in a light that some may not stop to consider.

We are only limited by our own inhabitions, we impose 'rules' for living upon ourselves, we stop ourselves from being free because "THEY" say we can not or should not do something. I know many are worried because family and close relations may not approve or understand a choice we have made for ourselves. But in the end we only have ourselves to please and make happy. So which way would you rather live, being oppressed by the rules that "THEY" make (the majority of which you have never met nor ever will) or deciding for yourself what is right for you. Trust me you are not doing anything wrong, be it wearing "female" clothing or a diaper, you bring no harm to others and by being free to express yourself you bring yourself happiness...
A happiness that (if you want to admit it or not) you will spread to others.

Enjoy your day and your lives girls, it's far too short to be spent worrying about what other people think about you and or what you do.
The sociology of us. If only it was the norm. I would definately not be wearing male clothes now, and people wouldnt think that I am gay, or strange. Being strange is relative to the norm, and being gay is seperate altogehter.

People could learn a lot by viewing the world with an open mind. A girl can dream...
I was talking to a motor bike cop the other day (rather cute) and I asked him how he stayed warm in winter on the bike .Apparently most cops wear panty hose as an added insulation .I was tempted to ask if he shaved his legs to get the most out of that silky feeling .Then I thought maybe I should be a traffic cop but it might be difficult to keep my skirt and pettycoats from blowing over my head .So if I ever get caught I shall just say I was riding my motor bike ,ummmm what if its the height of summer..Oh well who cares I for one dont need excuses to look and feel pretty...
I digress back to the post who decided boys shoes had to be closed in .Nice open toe ones would look nice with my pink toe nails poking out (maybe a little heal as well) xx
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