OMG ~ My old story turned up here!
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Hi, this is Sissy Kathy. Registered here a long time ago, but never really participated.

I just stumbled on an old story I wrote many yeasr ago that BabyValentine posted here on the story board earlier this year (My Wife's New Baby Girl). I couldn't believe it!

I originally posted it on the old Buffalo Betty's Story Board in '02, but I only got part way thru the whole story. Circumstances prevented me from finishing it and then that story board disappeared. I thought it was gone forever, but now (thanks to BabyValentine) I will have a chance to complete it. Might take some time for me to do, but I hope everyone enjoys it.
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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, glad you found your old story. When you finish it store it on a "jump drive" for future use.
Mina Silverwind
I thank you for sharing your work, keep up the nice work, and this is one of my favorite stories.
success is not how many times you win but is instead our ability to learn that we win by never giving up when times are tough.

 I thank you for sharing your work, keep up the nice work, and this is one of my favorite stories.  

Thank you very much Mina. I'm so glad you like my story. Just added Chapter 8 and more are on the way. Enjoy!
Sissy Jenni
Oooh! I haven't read it yet, but I surely will! Thanksies for sharing! I LUV stories!!
Sissy Jenni
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