R Old but new
trying to get back in touch
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Hi everyone most of you probably don"t remember me but I used to frequent this site quite alot a few years back. Well I know it's been a long time but I just wanted to say I missed this place and I'm going to try to stay this time around :)
Keep searching for happiness
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Baby Butch

 Hi everyone most of you probably don"t remember me but I used to frequent this site quite alot a few years back. Well I know it's been a long time but I just wanted to say I missed this place and I'm going to try to stay this time around :)  

Welcome back to the site. There will be a new Sissy Kiss when the webmissy is finished making it.
Boy, are you in trouble! :) Just kidding. Welcome back to our oasis of femininity.
- Sissy Desiree

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