PG Nothing Is Set In Stone.
A Personal Message To All & Friends.
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 Hi everyone, this Sissy Baby has been asleep for 5 million years and was awoken by a sweet kiss by Baby Butch. *Giggles.*

Due to a long time of bad health, bad situations, lots of heart ache and sorow. I went away from here, meaning, I took a long time out, not posting anything, in fact I had deleted everything on my Pix Princess account. I even asked Christie Love here to delete my acount here.

I am glad she hd not done that. I have been in  avery bad place for, a long, long time, so long, that I thought that it would never end.  I have had a problem with Arthritic condtions, whaich affects the joints of my shoulders, elbows, my hands, fingers and my knees, a few months back, the Arthritic coditions became worse, to the point that I could not even type.

I have long since then seen a Dr, I have been put on special mediatcion to treat my probelm, while it has not yet been confirmed, I could have posible Rheumatoid Arthtic conditons, since the pal of both hands are red raw, with aching fingers at the tips, with them going stiff too, causing agonising pain. 

I aplogise to those o fyou I never got around to contacting to inform you of my conditons or leaving sk. I won't say I am returning, just yet. I am yet to decide if I am needed here, if anyone has been mising me, or even want me back here.

A lot will depend on who comments on this, or if I get any at all. While it would be nice for me to want to come back, I need a real good reason to do so. So, much support and encouragemtn is needed, nothing is yet, set in stone, lets see what will come from this post.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Dear Pet Baby Amy:

My first concern is for your health and well being. Anything else, is icing on the cake. If you choose to resume participation in SK, I'll be happy to read whatever you contribute. In any event, I hope life will work out well for you. Please, take care of yourself as best you can.

Curtsies and love,
Thank you Prissie, curtsies to you too.

I am so happy to see comments on this, to mark my posible return here, I have decided as an enticing possible come back, a story of mine, it's a huge change in my work, something I thought I would not return back to doing, but to help me with a few issues I have with the subject matter. As I no longer wish to be a victim of that any more. 

I have turned my focus onto adult themes, for the time being until I am confident that I can face those particualr demons and get past that point for good, perminantly.  It's too personal for me to go into the whys etc. Suffice to say, adult themes not only not being my thing on the whole, there was for me very personal issues that I thought I had dealt with, but not fully. My mental health is as equally important as my physical health and since adult themes has caused me the most problems of all, I have been spending time with my own personal thearapy, to do stories of that nature, but to what I am most comfortable with.

The test results, is that the stories have helped me in more ways than I could have hoped for. So with that said, that is where my focus shall be with for a while, it's very thearaputic, more so than the other stories of this nature that I had done. before. The old ones I felt had to be done, just to please everyone else. or because theose are more popular. The new adult themed stories, I am doing for the sake of my problem, not for popularity or for anything else, other than to help me to face my demons and conqure them for good.

I am glad to see that I have not been forgotten here, I hated having to leave out of the blue. I faced a bitter tormoil, that dragged me to the far corners of Hell. forgive my term though, it felt like it. I knew I had to get better some how, some way, thank you for your support Prissie, I apperciate that beyond words.

Hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
Greetings PetBabyAmy,

I am happy you finally got to a doctor and are receiving help. As far as this site is concerned I never wanted you to leave and would be happy to have you back with us again. Get well soon!

Hugs Baby Butch : )
Baby Butch, thank you for your lovely words, like I said to Prissie, I never really wanted to leave here, this place has been  my home for so long. I really have no other home. It tore me apart having to leave it for so long, but the leave of absense, was needed, more than I can say.

I have within that time found new strength, have been fighting a few personal demons as mentioned to Prissie, I felt I needed to really deal with them in a more better way, than I have done pervously before, the way I approached it before was all wrong.

I'm the only one to blame for that. I know that this time though, I have gotten it right, it feels right, there is a definite change so far, with the work that I have been doing, via the speach recongnition program, and thanks to the new mediaction, via by hand, I can use my hands fully and freely, without pain. 

It still comes and goes, the pain that is, I will be having a blood test tomorrow, then I will be getting my hands X-Rayed in a couple of weeks. I will send you a message soon Baby Butch, sorry fo the delay, I have been on fire. Not literally, I mean with story ideas. 

Which for me has been really great, it has been such a long time doing anything creative wise, that it feels so good to have been doing so much, creatively. That within itself has been a real boost to my mental and well being, also emotionally too, which in short has been having a positive affect on  me physically, as a by product. 

I can't complain, that is all very good things and it proves, that postiveness really does do most amazing things. I am still going to take things easy, not push my luck with anything. Over all, I am just simply happy to have movement back in my hands again.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

It is great that your hands have improved so much and things are looking better for you. Good to hear the pain is better too. Good luck with the rest of the tests!
@ Baby Butch
  Fank you Baby buth for your reply to my comment. I am glad too. Sorry this is short, I have sent you a message, where you know where to find it. I am going to rest my hands. They aer beging to ache just a little. 

The message is long one. But well worth doing it by hand. I can give my hands now a full and complete rest for the next few days.  Not hours, like I said, I do not want to push my luck etc. 

Love, hugs & kisses.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Dear PetBabyAmy, 

You don't know me, nor I you. But I wish you all the best in your battle with arthritis - it's a debilitating affliction. I do hope your doctor can find a solution to your pain and other symptoms.

Hugs and best wishes,

Ichigo Cat, curtsies to you and I fank you form the very bottom of my heart, for your comfortaing words and best wishes, especially since that you are somone that I do not know,. It is nice to know that even somone that I do not know, cares like what you do, that means a lot, I would be honoured to be your friend.

Hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Dear PetBabyAmy :)

I hope you are back forever and I'm sorry about your pain.  I'm glad you're seeing a doctor and I hope you take your medicine and I hope it doesn't taste yucky but still you should take it even it does.

That said, would you plz let us know what kind of diapees you use?  They must be pretty good if you can sleep in 'em for 5 million years!
Sissy Renee, curtsies to you.

Fank you for your comment, and your comforting words. I apperciate that beyond measure. The Diapees are The Forever Luvs, Sissy Fairy Brand, the kind that self clean, self renew and are ever lasting, I thought that everyone knew about them. *Giggles*

The meds are working great, no nasty after taste. Since the medication are tablets, I do not taste a thing. I take those along with my other medication that I take for other condtions that I have.

Hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'


Hey Girl! I was wondering what happened to you! Im sorry that things with your health havent been going to well, but I'm sure now that you are seeing a doctor that things will get better. I'm really happy however that you are back and I look forward to anything that you may start putting up because I miss your stories with pictures personally. Just remember if you ever need someone to listen or to talk to that I'm always here for you :)
Hugs and Crinkles,

Sissy Baby Cassie
SissyBabyCassie, curtsies to you

Fank you for your comment, much apperciated, I have posted a story, it's completely new and different. :A Christmas Revenge, the only image that goes with it is an imagined book cover. If I could have found images of a guy in a Sexy Miss Santa outfit, I would have used one, or if there was an outfit like that for the male avatar on IMVU, I would have used my Aavatar. 

No such thing on both, sad and sorry to say, but the descriptive work is more than enough to help visualise everything very well within the stories without any pictures being there. Doing stories with images aer only as easy to do, if I can find the right source of images to use, having IMVU sometimes helps and sometimes it not help, but that is because outfits on there are gender specific.

Meanign all clothes can not be worn by either male or female avatars. Very few, other than Second Life that  I know of and am aware of, in terms of virtual worlds, where clothing can be worn by both genders. I have tried a few other virtual worlds where clothing is gender specific, which is no fun and forces the issue of choosing a gender, which is not fare, if you are someone like me that likes dressing up male avatars in girly and Sissy outfits.

Anyway, please do check out my story and please do leave a comment, the moer comments I do get, not only the happier I will be, that will also help to encourage me to be more active here.

Hugs & Kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Jennifer Funshine
Amy, sweetheart you have my utmost love and compassion as you are my sister and it is a lasting friendship that will endure always. I know many of us here at Sissy Kiss share these same feelings for you because we are a family. Your return or departure need not be dependent upon comments or inquiries, happiness or guilt, hope or despair.

We love you just as you are Amy and do not measure your worth to this site based on what you provide or take away. You're family... and seeing how Christmas is in only three weeks, I will impart to you that you share in the joy of the season, hand in hand with us all :) *huggles tight an kisses your cheek*
Awww, fank you Sis Jennifer, for your comment and very touching words. I apperciate everything that you said. The pain in my hands comes and goes constantly now. I will be a whole lot more happier when the pain goes for good. Which I do hope for the most, I was given the most beautiful gift for my hands, I have made things physically with them, I have composed wonderful music with them, typed great stories and fantastic captions with them.

I truly have no wish to lose such a percious and marvelous gift. You are always on my mind, but most of all, you are always in my heart, and in my soul, where I hold a special place there for you among a rare few people that I hold such a special place for. I am glad that you are one among those lucky few people that I have in my life.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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