R North or South?
A sincere question
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Hi everybody!  Something I have been wondering for a long time...
When Mommy changes my diapers, she always tucks my icky bits as far back between my butt cheeks as possible before very securely fastening my diaper.  Then she teases me to get me excited which can be really uncomfortable and makes me waddle even more!  Its actually a challenge to not get excited in this condition regardless of teasing!  I wouldn't have it any other way *blushes*
Am I the only one who gets "tucked" into their diapers? 
EDIT:Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore as mommy has had me in a very strict chastity device for months now *sob*
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To tuck or not to tuck?
Absolutely tucked!
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No way tucked!
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personally i just think your lucky to have a mummy lol. as i have never had one. but when diaper my self i dont, i just diaper up the normal way. facing down. not tucked  
Oooh baby girl Candice, you don't know what you're missing   
At first, I would often release before she was even done fastening my diaper but I'm in better control now.  Mommy enjoyed it anyways as she liked the idea of me waddling and playing with a puddle of my own goo between my cheeks for hours
Try it - you just may like it. It even works caged but a little more uncomfortable.  Just so happens I LIKE more uncomfortable *giggle*
  well certainly yah gottah be tucked, diapered and taped.
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