PG Non-binary gender - or just a fetish???
Could really use some advice
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Recently I learned about the concept of non-binary gender, and a whole plethora of gender identities that fall under its umbrella.

I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts or perspectives on the matter... While I still struggle to wrap my brain around the concept of gender as separate from sex, I find myself more and more burdened by the question of whether I might be partially female.

I am not full-blown transgender... I am a biological, cisgender, heterosexual male... Mostly secure in my masculinity, but finding feminization very appealing and sexy.

So I keep wondering... Could I possibly be a partially female non-binary gender, like a demigirl or something? Or do I just have an overwhelming sexual fetish to become the diaper girl of my fantasies?

I know that no one can answer that for me... I'd just really like to know if anyone has any thoughts on non-binary gender, which is very new and fascinating to me.
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Hey Princess Jaina,

Overall, I'm much like you.  I'm a cis-gender, hetero male who, in my daily life, could be described as a "guy's guy".  I play all the sports, hang out at the bars, tend to be outgoing, and am generally comfortable with the masculine tendencies that seem fairly innate to my personality.

But in my private time, unbeknownst to my friends and even my girlfriend, I enjoy diving into the sissy fantasy world.  Initially, the idea of being feminized was very appealing due to its taboo nature.  The simple way it clashed with my extremely masculine nature was a hot prospect, and really touched upon my submissive side.

However, I've always been able to separate these two worlds; the fantasy world where I can be/do whatever pleases and excites me, and the real world where I'm wrapped in a daily life that, while a complete contrast from my fantasies, I'm still very happy with.

So at the end of the day, I guess my question for you is "Are you still happy with who you are during your average day?"  If the answer is yes, I wouldn't worry so hard about where you may fall on some gender spectrum; you are who you are and that's all that matters.  If it's at the point where you're only happy when you indulge in this other life, then maybe there is another aspect of your gender that needs to be acknowledged.

Either way, I wouldn't be too concerned with defining it.  Again, you are you; putting it into a box by associating it with a dictionary word isn't going to make you feel better or worse about it.  Finding out which categories you fall into might be helpful for some degree, if not to at least absolve your own curiosity, but in the end, it just comes down to whether or not you accept yourself.

Personally, I'm very happy with my daily life and accept that escaping into a fantasy every now and again is enjoyable to me, the same way some might escape into a book, movie, or video game.  (And transgender folks, please don't take offense at that; I'm not trying to make light of finding a gender identity, which I know can be complicated for a lot of people.  I'm just saying that this is how I view my own personal case).

Ha, I'm usually not so serious on this site.  Oh well.  I hope that you can find the answers you're looking for, but I hope you don't get too hung up on the search.  Just find and do what makes you happy and don't worry about how the rest of the world defines it.
Gender is a funny old thing, I personally view gender as being more of a sliding scale than a binary male or female sort of thing. Being somewhere between the two extremes with a significant bias in one direction is probably how most people are. 

Like you I'm not transgender however I am probably either genderfluid to some degree and can move quite seamlessly from acting in a male manner in public to a more feminine manner in private. My preference for extreme femininity (ie being a sissy) isn't a fetish and is more linked to my little personality (which is a whole other confusing area). I'm not going to keep rabbiting on about my issues with gender, sexuality, fetishes and love of diapers because I've found a balance that lets me live my life in the way I find comfortable. Ultimately having labels for your gender and sexuality don't really matter what matters is that you're happy and living your life how you want to.
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Dear Princess Jaina:

I must say I agree with everything said by the others here.  Interesting that you should use the term "non-binary".  We live in a digital age and there's an effort to categorize everything in binary code, but there's another class of computing, analog computing.  For example, a digital thermometer will tell you down to 1 decimal point, perhaps, what the temperature is, but it has a finite number of temperature readings of which it is capable.  Only 10 choices between each degree in this case.  A mercury thermometer has an infinite number of readings limited only by the accuracy of your eye.  A mercury thermometer is an analog computer.

The same, I believe, is true of human sexuality.  No matter how many terms we come up with for varying mixtures of yin and yang (binary system BTW) we are left with an infinite number of recipes we have not included in our cook book.  One of them will produce me, another, you.  And that's with only two spices.  We are far more complex than that!
This may help you a lot. When you're on sissykiss, do you subconsciously think "I am *insert male name* logging on to pretend to be Jaina," or do you think, "I'm Jaina, and I'm here to play."? Are you coming here to play as Jaina, or are you Jaina coming here to play?

Your gender is how you view yourself, and it need not be static. As I've told you before, I initially compartmentalized my femininity when I came here, but eventually it grew into its own entity, and identity that, if not addressed and engaged, intense anxiety and depression could follow. So when I'm here, I AM Tatiana. Tatiana is my female identity, who happens to have a little side, as well as a sissy side. I say that because I never identify as male when little. And I identify as her with certain people and friends not just here, and I'm happier acknowledging that.

You may be hesitant is wanting to adopt the proper title or descriptor for yourself, but the most important thing of course is that however you identify, that you don't deny it and embrace it, as you will become much happier as a result. And just because you don't share that side of you with everybody doesn't make it any less real. :)

To my understanding if you identify as a male sometimes and a girl others, bigender or genderfluid are appropriate descriptions. I'm hesitant to say that non-gender sounds right to you because you identify strongly as female with feminine characteristics, but that is my perosnal opinion and input
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*
Princess Jaina
I'd like to thank you all for your thoughts and support. I've certainly taken them to heart, and the one thing I've learned above all is that I am still very much on a journey of self-discovery!

Best wishes,

I am with pink and white.  But i let it out discretely in public at times.  Like right now going to th store in a cami & panties with boob helpers, small but fun
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