How Was Your New Years Eve?
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The show I went to tonight was obviously in another city, had no cover charge for people on the VIP list and any bottled drink was $2.00 in the VIP bar, so I got through the night only spending 6 dollars! I was the only person in Tinkerbell clothing, with a Herself the Elf ring and a Rainbow Brite Doll and lots of pretty har ribbons and prettys. As I suspected half the people there were the die hard Zoozie's groopies and the other half were collage age people mostly.

The lead guitar player of the band has given me several free pressed copys of their 2nd CD, so tonight I brought him my 2nd CD and gave it to him to listen to  He seemed to geniunely like the gift and he can be a hard person to please or even get to talk to you sometimes. It make me really happy and temporarily forget my cares.

The only annoying thing is that my friend who said he would go with me and who I went through the trouble of getting on the VIP list (they only have so many spots) backed out 45 minutes before I was going to pick him up.

Oh and I nabbed one of the super large sized posters (4 feet long at least) inside during the show about the show since I wasn't able to get one of the ones at the St Patty's Day show. One of my friend's who was there who is like 20 years or more older than I am laughed when he saw me with it because he saw me go for it and told me I was so slick about it that one of the security people would have had to have been watching me to begin with and I did it when a possible fight was about to start, leaning into a group's booth and removing it from their wall, leaning over to do it, and I did it without any of them noticing either lol.

I had fun seeing people I hadn't seen since the last Koozie's show and it was especially fun to get to hug them all while saying, "Happy New Year!"

The other funny thing is that the bar didn't put their name on the posters....I guess they were only ment to be in the bar (I only saw three of them). But it is made of nice plastic. After a Koozie's show usually fans rush the posters and grab for them, so I decided to get this one 20 min into the show  And all of the security saw me walk out with it. So it's not stealing, but it was kinda fun to get one all movie style.

There's gonna be a private band party at a bar with free drinks on the 19th! I might try to get them to autograph this poster for me. But getting one CD autographed was hard enough and took multiple concerts, pretty much cornering one band member each time, because for some reason they don't like to autograph anything. It would be awesome to get this autographed though and they have a new CD comming out too. I cannot wait to get my own copy.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
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My New Year's Eve was alright. I spent it with friends and watched a lot of movies.
It was a quiet New Years Eve with my boy friend and my ex wife and her boy friend. Lot of cuddling on the couch whike the men watched football.
Leslie Ann
I had a wonderful New Years and hope everyone else did as well, it's a new decade ladies so get out there and be the girl you've always been and make some friends along the way.

I got a new Alice nighty for Christmas and couldn't wait until New Years to wear it. Had a PJ party with some other local girls we watched Love Hina, did ur nails and generally wished in the New Year together, it was a wonderful night.

 I had a wonderful New Years and hope everyone else did as well, it's a new decade ladies so get out there and be the girl you've always been and make some friends along the way.  

Someone remarked at the party I was at who knew me from the St. Patty's day party remarked on how "I just don't give up." in reguards to the fact that I am going to live life until its absolute final second too its fullest and as myself and there's pretty much nothing anyone can say or do about it. I had a really interesting conversation with him.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Fem Prince C
It was kinda quiet here between myself and my feline friends. Actually the whole hood was pretty quiet this year with hardly a firework being let off.
how else can anybody noy be diapered on nye best time to ring in new year with a baby
likes my fanny in warm hands and to be foundle by anyone you would like to play .
Baby Butch
 My new years was not good at all. My van has been running good, no problems at all. I went out to go somewhere early new years eve. The van would not start, 100% completely dead. I could not get a jump so I sat home and used the computer. New years day I was stranded at home, hardly any food.

The next day my dad came over to jump start me. The van started, so he followed me to Walmart. I pulled up to the service garage and shut it off. A man yelled at me to move it. Well, it did start, but then caught on fire. Smoke poured out from under the hood. I shut it off and the smoke stopped. Then the mechanic told me to get it out of there because they can't fix it.

So they pushed me into a parking space and it is still sitting there. Unfortunately my dad is 80 and could not even walk. He needed to go to the ER, but would not go. Not much of a new years. Glad someone else had a good time.
my new years eve was pretty good. i stayed up till 1:00 A.M. playing phase 10(a card game) with my mom, dad, sister, sisters boyfriend, aunt, and uncle.

it was pretty fun cause everyone was freaking drunk. its a bit of a family tradition to play cards all night on new years eve. and as non-traditional as i am, i simply cant break such traditions.

after being sacluded for being too young and waiting 14 years to become part of most of our family traditions its kinda hard to break away from them.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*

  My new years was not good at all. My van has been running good, no problems at all. I went out to go somewhere early new years eve. The van would not start, 100% completely dead. I could not get a jump so I sat home and used the computer. New years day I was stranded at home, hardly any food.

The next day my dad came over to jump start me. The van started, so he followed me to Walmart. I pulled up to the service garage and shut it off. A man yelled at me to move it. Well, it did start, but then caught on fire. Smoke poured out from under the hood. I shut it off and the smoke stopped. Then the mechanic told me to get it out of there because they can't fix it.

So they pushed me into a parking space and it is still sitting there. Unfortunately my dad is 80 and could not even walk. He needed to go to the ER, but would not go. Not much of a new years. Glad someone else had a good time.

>_< That totally sucks! If you live in Oregon or can get there by the 19th I will totally invite you to a rockin' party (might be a few scary looking people there, but nothing worse than a biker bar and everyone almost is a family there so while they might look scary really are not.) I go in there totally LG'd out and stick out like tripple trailer semi trying to park across 6 "compact" spaces and it's all good 

Have you been able to figure out why it cought fire? Hopefully it was a bearing problem and the greese cought fire? Otherwise do you have some kind of massive electrical shorting problem?

And I sure hope your daddy is doing ok.

Baby Butch
Thanks for the invite, Oopsie Panty, thats a little too far. All "little girled out" I bet you stand out in a biker bar. I would like to see that. I have had a few big, rough, looking friends and they were also very nice.

I just had my van towed to a mechanic today. Not sure yet the extent of damage. Fortunately the fire and smoke from under the hood did not spread. It stopped when I shut the engine off. I think it was an electrical fire, probibly burned out the alternator and smoked the windings. Of course the battery is shot too. Hopefully the entire electrical system is not shorted out.

Dad needs surgery, his hip replacement has looseness in the joint. It is very painful. He is the "bionic man". Two complete hip replacements, two lower back surgerys. He has metal rods, screws, and clamps in his body. He would really set off the metal detectors. He is also pretty tuff.

Have a great day!
On New Year's Eve my family was travelling to a funeral for a recently deceased relative. The death brought out a lot of stress among extended family members, so suffice it to say that I barely thought about the fact that it even WAS new year's eve! I trust that next year will be better.
Uneventful. I drank a few beers a went to bed only txting with a girl I liked, only to have her break my heart. New year and all that right?
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*
Hopefully everyone who had a bad New Years had a great Christmas *fingers crossed*
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