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Any sissy artists wanna have some fun?
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HI! I'm Jackie! And I'm a Sissy who likes to draw Sissy comics! Are there any other Sissy artists out there? I would love to do some kind of collaboration with other artists.
This is the cover of Sissy Fits. A project I'm working on, that I thought would be fun to include any other people's art/media if anyone wishes to submit anything.
work is still in production. Is XXX and completely concerned with sex.
Gallery Images by Prince51
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Widdle Wendy
I'm a sissy artist! What can you tell me about this project? What sort of material are you looking for? Do you need writers as well, or are you just looking for visual artists? Likewise, is this a free publication or is it going to be for sale?
well, I originally had the idea of having a comic with two different bookend stories,  and sandwiched in the middle I'd put any one page (or more if the artist wishes) comics and representations of their art (Fully credited of course.).
I hadn't thought of what I'd do with it once complete.
But I don't want to charge people for it. Just a visual celebration and collection of all things Sissy from all or any sissy artists that would like to represent their talents. I leave it entirely up to the artists what content they would like to contribute. But it would be great to represent all cross sections of sissyness.
And the other reason for this collaboration is that it would give me the opportunity to work with others that have the same likes. Set up some art trades, and maybe even forge some great sissy relationships!
Thanks for your response!
Kiss kiss!
Widdle Wendy
@ Prince51


Wonderful! This is such a great idea. Will you be putting this out at a PDF or are you going to have it printed? I would love to contribute some material.

@ Widdle Wendy
Thanks! PDF for sure. Printed would be twice as cool! I'll have to google some suitable printers, cause mine is demonic and not to be trusted! Haha!
I'm thrilled to bits that you're interested! YAY! I'll let your creative juices perculate. i'm just starting "The Bubblebath". A story of a sissy and her new sissy sex tub. with heavy sex machine themes throughout. Probably 4-5 pages.
Widdle Wendy
@ Prince51


One last question. Is that your art on the cover?

Yes! I was thinking of posting other sissy art, but wanted to see how it went over first. I hope it's not too offensive. and if anyone IS, I apologize. 
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