PG New Sissy Baby
I want to say hello to all of you beautiful and lovely people.
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Hmm. Where to start? Oh, I know, how about my name? Well, my name is Michael, I prefer Mikey. Anyways, I'm new to the site, yet I'm not new to the site. What I mean by this is, I've been reading all of the beautiful stories on here for maybe four year, not very good with keeping track of time. And well, I've been interested in wearing diapers and being babyish since I was about six years old. Sadly, the most I've had the courage to do is, buy my own diapers and obviously use them for both of their intended purposes, as well as buy my own bottle and formula, and baby food. Though, I can't always afford to buy the things I love the most, but I try and that's what matters, right? I've only know of my interest in being a sissy for about three or four years, but absolutely love it. I don't have a lot of pretty clothing, but I'm that one day I will. Also, I absolutely love to roleplay. I've been doing it for a really long time now. I might not be the best, but I sure as heck do give it my all. Well back to what I really wanted to say. I just wanted to say hello to absolutely and everyone and I hope that we can become great friends.
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Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a sissy baby girl.
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a big baby who likes diapers and sissy clothes.

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