PG New lil me
My lil intro
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Brand spanking new member here! Shaking from even typing this. I am hoping to find a big sister to help me find who I truly am and who I can become. Too shy to include a pic yet, loving guidance would be appreciated :)
Ty for having me...Shy_lil_oneĀ 
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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a bigĀ baby who loves wearing diapers and plastic panties.Ā I hope you enjoy the site and make many friends. : )

Hiya shy_lil_one! Oh, we love spanking brand new members here! - lol.
Ā  Ā It's lovely to meet you sweetie. Don't worry about posting pics - you just do whatever is comfortable for you. We are a friendly bunch so you'll soon have lots of new sisters. Welcome to the site honey. :-)
Ā  Ā  Ā Big hugs!
Ā Ā  Ā MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss Ā  xxx
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