PG The new image gallery, and Story Time is here!
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To see the new features press the "New Post" tab at the bottom of the screen.

Now you can upload fun sissy images to Sissy Kiss, and with a very easy drag, and drop! You can drop a lot images at once from any folder on your compy! I dropped 50 images in there while testing, but I set the limit to 20 just to be safe lol.

Now when you make a new story you can separate each post by chapters, and it will all be in the first post in the topic, so the story does not have to be split up throughout the topic like before lol.

We have so many authors that like to write stories as long as books, and it's amazing! This new splitting method lets you write stories that long, and it will all be in the first post. People can browse through chapters in the first post, so it's not one big long page at once. The limit is 100,000 characters per chapter lol. So this is plenty of room to let your imaginations run wild!


The image galleries are also in a new place, they are not listed on the forum page anymore. 

You can check them out here:


I'm happy to announce there is no more need to link to other sites like Pix Princess, or Photobucket! The drag, and drop uploader is now attached everywhere you use images. Including the image button in Sissy Kiss's message editor, and I also attached it to image editting in Sissy Spaces! 

There is also a place to manage, and re-share the images you upload. In the bottom tabs go to "Your Stuff" > "Your Images" and check it out!

Go ahead, and upload, we have the room!
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Baby Butch
Hello Christie, 

When are you going to put the galleries back? 

The entire sub forum was gone completely when I logged in yesterday and today. 

No Spotlight Gallery, No Special Members Gallery, No Captioned Piccies, etc.

All of them are gone!
~*Christie Luv*~
Hi Baby Butch! Yes the image galleries are on a new page, so they can be displayed with thumbnail view. You can check them out here:
Baby Butch
@ ~*Christie Luv*~
  Wow, that was a surprise! I did manage to find them on the Menu by clicking The Image Gallery, he he. : )

I have found everything now, great job!

~*Christie Luv*~
@ Baby Butch
  Wonderful! Thank you so much hun!
~*Christie Luv*~
A new update was made! Check out the original post!
I've just tried using pix princess but it says I'm currently banned... have i been naughty?? If so I'm very sorry *cute pout
How do i post to storytime? D:> its so confusing!
Baby Butch
I see you figured out most things and posted a story. I approved it and the Storytime gallery has some instructions at the top of the forum. Also the Menu contains Site Rules and a Ratings guide. Feel free to ask questions again if needed.
What kind of post would you like to make?
To post certain kinds of posts, like images, audios, or videos you need to be signed in first.