PG New features coming up with the upgrade!
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 Hey sissies! Along with the new upgrade there has been requests for features. This is the list of features that I'm coding right now as soon as I can. I'll edit this post, and add "Finished!" next to them as each of these features are done so you know when they are!

* Upload multiple images at once in the image gallery. - Finished!

* Go to any page you want in forums, like the numbered buttons before the upgrade. - Finished!

* A new subscriptions wall. - Finished!

* A latest activity wall, which shows when people post in topics, rather than when a new topic is made. - Finished!

* "The Latest Topics" will also include any post in forums about that type of post, so "Videos" will have posts in the Video forum rather than just videos uploaded with the uploader. - Finished!

I've now finished all of the features! Check them out!
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8 posts
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Add your message here..
Baby Butch
Thank you Christie for doing these things. I appreciate it very much.

New Problem: My story Found in the Attic was being updated at the exact time the upgrade began. Chapter 10 did show but the comment box no longer works. I tried 3 times. 
~*Christie Luv*~
@ Baby Butch
  Thank you for letting me know Baby Butch! I'll check it out! I also just finished with letting people go to any page they wish in the forums, and it's also at the bottom of every post list now.
~*Christie Luv*~
@ Baby Butch
  Okay, I've now fixed the bug with commenting in stories!
Baby Butch
@ ~*Christie Luv*~

Hi Christie, Love the new navigation with page numbers. Putting it on top the page is great. I can advance to other pages and the previous one disappears. This way eliminates the scrolling issue if I advance at the end of the Forum page.
Baby Butch
@ Baby Butch
  I can comment on stories but they no longer go to the top of page one like before. 
~*Christie Luv*~
All the new features are finished! Yay!   
Baby Vivianne
 When are we ever going to go back to the old site page. Has this one is just a complete waste of time, if you wish to follow any story. 
What kind of post would you like to make?
To post certain kinds of posts, like images, audios, or videos you need to be signed in first.