PG New Diaper Diary Entry in the next few days
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Well, I just wanted to say that I will be in a nappy all day tomorrow, and was going to write in my Diaper Diary again soon. Just thought I would let you all know. And if you think I should do anything specific then let me know asap and I will put it in my plans for tomorrow. Thanks friends. I think I will be out doing the lawn for sure, and maybe even go to the mall.
a new me teehee
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Let's see...we've tried the warm pasta in the diaper "punishment," right? And oatmeal?

I know! I know! For more diaper stuffing fun: how about a "fruit cocktail"?

Four to six ripe bananas....a bunch of ripe green grapes....some sliced mango....and any other squishy fruit of your mommy's choice...

Mix in a bowl...but not as a puree....keep it chunky...and then pour it down the back and front of your diapers. Now...go plop down on it...especially with a nice big bouncy ball or a Big Wheel! Stay outside and enjoy the weather...until the smell or insects begin to bother you...

Try not to play with yourself (hee-hee) and your fruit cocktail if you can...

Enjoy a nice bubble bath afterwards.

Hope this helps...
Sounds like a plan for tomorrow. I do have extra nappies. And my friends may get a two for one update tomorrow telling you what I did today, and what I plan for tomorrow. Thanks for your input T, I may try the oatmeal seeing as I have to go to the store to buy some first.
a new me teehee
Baby Butch
I have been keeping things pretty basic lately. I usually put a diaper on a few hours before bed and sleep in it.

What brand are you using this time Jessybaby? I have been wearing Abena M4 again.

 Sounds like a plan for tomorrow. I do have extra nappies. And my friends may get a two for one update tomorrow telling you what I did today, and what I plan for tomorrow. Thanks for your input T, I may try the oatmeal seeing as I have to go to the store to buy some first.  

The great thing about adding lukewarm oatmeal as a "stuffer":

a) It can feel like the "real thing";
b) It does not cause a rash (at least, it never has with me); and
c) If you can expand even more!

Have fun!
Still been busy with two jobs, but I have some time off this weekend. Does anyone know where I can get a good pair of plastic panties before I get started. I may get a bit messy and wet.
Baby Butch

You can get a great baby like pair for ten dollars at Babykins. These are soft vinyl ones with the comfortable leg and waiste bands. They work good for me!

Good luck with your new adventure, Jessy! I had some Priva plastic pants for a while.  After about 10 uses of them, with very padded cotton diapers underneath, they tended to rip.

But Baby Butch's recommendation above looks very worthwhile.

Hope you have been doing well. Send me a PM if you want to chat sometime.

Walk (or waddle) in Beauty,

Tiresias Rex
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