These past 2 or 3 weeks i have really been re thinking my life and have trying to explore this girly side of mine some more and i notice that it makes me very happy and i feel butterfly's when i embrace it...and im thinking...if something makes you happy....why not just do it? why go your whole life following the rules of society and put these feelings under the rug and pretend for the rest of your life when you can just be you and be i feel like im starting a new life...and im going to actively embrace my inner female side. ^_^. Im not going to care what any one thinks about me anymore when they see me doing something girly or acting girly. Im not going to care what people think when they see that i am madly in love with Hello kitty o.o (HELLO KITTY FTW!).
Im not saying im going to completely change my life. Im just going to pay attention to my inner girl from now on and embrace it ^_^. i already spoke to my GF about this and she is totally alright with it lol. she likes the fact that i am not allowing society change me and that i am being who i am. and i love her very much for accepting me for who i am.
btw..hello kitty fans HIT ME UP! LOL! ^_^ In terms of friends i am always looking to meet new people and so if you want to get to know me or just talk or w/e just message me =). seriously.