PG 13 needs somsome who can make me i matter
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Please help me find a Mommy that wont abandon me I just want someone that cares
*wetting diaper* ok all done now what were you saying
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Hi! First of all, I'm kind of surprised no one replied faster, Yasha. Second, YOU MATTER. We all do. Every life, no matter how wild, weird, wonderful, wooly or wicked, matters. Third, alas, I cannot not be your Mommy...but there must be someone on this site who can or who could refer you to one.

How about it, gals and guys? A Mommy-referral service for Yasha here?

Welcome to Sissykiss! May your stay be a happy one!
Ive been here a few yrs and it was happy till my Mommy said she didn't want me and abandoned me it made me so sad bcuz I had been looking for one for years and was finally happy and then that it made me feel like I don't matter and no matter what anyone says it how I feel bcuz I thought she cared about me and then that made me cry for...wait I'm still crying wtf am I talking about Im pathetic
*wetting diaper* ok all done now what were you saying

 Ive been here a few yrs and it was happy till my Mommy said she didn't want me and abandoned me it made me so sad bcuz I had been looking for one for years and was finally happy and then that it made me feel like I don't matter and no matter what anyone says it how I feel bcuz I thought she cared about me and then that made me cry for...wait I'm still crying wtf am I talking about Im pathetic  


I can babysit you until you find a mommy, and babies shouldnt be saying wtf. I should wash your mouth with soap for that!
Hello Yasha, Please don't feel down it's a ruff spot we all have them. I kept this side of me hidden for over 7 years when I had a girlfriend and to this day my family has no clue. There is someone for you out there. Sometimes it just takes awhile to find each other. I have been in a relationship for 2 years now with a wonderful person the only problem is I live in the US and she is in the Philippines she is also a pre op tgirl so we are trying to figure out how to meet. We are scared that we might never meet but we keep push forward. My point is never give up. If you ever need to talk or just vent and let your feelings out message me I'm a good listener.
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