PG I need to be with Someone soon...
Mental Health being affected
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 As this year goes on more and more I'm feeling more and more lonely. I knew this thing was going to take a toll on my mental health but it's really getting to me.

I want to be diapered, with someone and be able to actually workout without having to worry about getting you know (which most likely won't happen).

I mostly don't really show how i'm feeling but instead just try move on with finding a reason to smile but I'm getting close to a breaking point. I'm currently living with my father right now and I can't really be my sissy baby self there without having a fear that someone might walk in and seeing that state of me.

I want to be with someone and knowing the whole thing that we have to stay put is driving me nuts... I Just want to be with other people then my coworkers, and family....
A good little sissy who wants to be cute and has fun. My girly side is always my best side! 
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Baby Butch
You are not alone going thru unpleasant times. Best wishes to you Cloud Dream. *hugs*
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