I need some help
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I just moved into a new house and I'm living alone. I need some things to do with myself since I'm alone. Im into anything and ill do anything, I just need some ideas of what to do. If you could comment back what youd like me to do, id love that. Thanks.
Lauren Dickson
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13 posts
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Get a diaper and USE IT!

Then put a plug in your bum and SIT DOWN.

Don't forget to suck your thumb while you masterbate, Sissy Baby!

Don't have a diaper, use a trashbag. No excuses!
Drink a lot of water or juice or tea or whatever you like and then dress up all girly and when you start getting really desperate to pee, go in the kitchen and stay in there with the cold water running (if you area has no water shortage problems) until you actually wet yourself from desperation. Then roll around in your puddle and soak most of it up and then masturbate through your wet clothing while laying on your back on the kitchen floor 
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Sissy Wanda C
Remember from now on you are not allowed to tinkle while standing and to say tinkle not pee not piss not even leak.Even when your diaper does.Also good little girls need their nappies after lunch when ever possible.Stay clean by taking long bubble baths.Use plenty of skin lotion and perfume.Girls are smooth and have no body hair,time to shave Lauren honey.
Bestest wishes
Sissy Wanda C
I'll check back in a couple days sweet dreams.
wear diapers in public and wet them!
Sissy Wanda C
Cash strapped? Then set low cost attainible goals.Buy some nail polish for your girlfriend(you) for valentines day and do your little toesies.Always try to save as much as you spend so you can purchase better or more girly things.Stop wasteing money on boys underwear or teeshirts or socks. Onesies can take the place of undies and t-shirts.Bestest wishes
Sissy Wanda C
Sissy Wanda C
Lauren honey are you ok? Lots of nice people have given you some ideas and you have not thanked them.Do you need a spanking? Be a good girl and curtsy and say Thank you.
I'm sorry that i havent been able to reply back, been really busy. Since ive been a bad girl, you can all punish me in any way you want. Thank you for the ideas and i hope to get some punishment also
Sissy Wanda C
Thank goodness your ok, I was worried sick. I've been having a tough time getting on the net myself. And you did finally say your proper thank you. So only a minor punishment is called for..hmmm . Choice 1 or 2.Your choice
1: Lisp for 24 hrs..eS now th. or
2:Curtsy to all adults for 24 hrs.
Oh.. it'd be nice to know which you choose too. That's a good little Lauren, go play now, kiss kiss.
Bestest wishes
Sissy Wanda C

 Get a diaper and USE IT!

Then put a plug in your bum and SIT DOWN.

Don't forget to suck your thumb while you masterbate, Sissy Baby!

Don't have a diaper, use a trashbag. No excuses!  

hi i think i hav found out how 2 do post ami doing ok hehe

 Get a diaper and USE IT!

Then put a plug in your bum and SIT DOWN.

Don't forget to suck your thumb while you masterbate, Sissy Baby!

Don't have a diaper, use a trashbag. No excuses!  

hi hows u think found how 2 do post getting thier hehe
An idea for a preferably long weekend all alone in your new house.
Spend the few days before the weekend getting yourself ready in advance. Including shave off all hair below the neck. Give yourself a color pedicure. Have sufficient feminine clothing available for the entire weekend, including sleepwear.
On The last day you work cme home and innediately take a nice bubblebath and polish your fingernails. When you get out of the tub get dressed from the skin out n feminine clothing and full makeup including perfume. If you are old enough mix yourself a pitcher of a feminine drink like a cosmopolitan. Put some girly music on.

Thru the weekend take a martini glass with you go into each room and kneel down then bring yourself off into the glass. Repeat in a new room when you are able tpo get it up again.
Repeat until you either run out of weekend, you have cum in every room, or the glass is full.

Touch up your makeup, then take your glass of sissy juice somewhere you can look into a mirror. Raise the glass to your lips and sip in a mouthful of your juice. Set the glass down and admire your open mouthful of cum. Close our mouth and swish the cum arround for a ful minute until the entire inside of your mouth is covered with cum.
Open your mouth and admire it again. Now swallow the load.

For the next two hours do not eat, drink, or smoke anything so you can savor the taste of cum in your mouth. Repeat unitl all the cum has been swalloed then lick the glass clean.

Do not undo your fingernail polish until after 9 pm on the last night.
~*Christie Luv*~
There is so many lovely ideas here! I'll add to the batch. You can read a lot sissy cappies, then get all dolled up in your most girly outfits and pretend to be the sissies in those stories and then play with yourself, thinking you are those sissies. That would be lots of fun! You can even go on shopping trips to buy you a girly wardrobe and some baby toys and diapers! There is a lot of sissy things you can get online too. Have fun sweetie!

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