I am a very thorough reader and am very good at recognising both spelling mistakes and incorrect grammar. I have read some of the stories on this site, and on many others, and have seen some of the works that have been "edited" by some people that appear as though the person doing the editing has done nothing more than run a spell check program laeving the story full of grammatical errors. I KNOW I can do better than that, I swear it on everything I hold dear to my heart.
Please accept my offer, you will not regret it. E-mail me here if you are interested.
Alastair Passer
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"
If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"
If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.