XXX Naughty Cappies
Five cappies in my old style with bad adult babies.
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Erection was my favourite one out of the the whole captins. The others were also great in their own right. There is soemthing about the first captin I can not quite put my fingure on what that is. I love your captions Baby Butch. You always manage to find not only greatimages,but write with such wonderfu flare.

Hugs & Kisses
Baby Butch

Fanks PetBabyAmy, dis is gweat ooo hab favorites and wike dem all.


Hab a hug.


Dear Butch,

   As i have said before, I love it when you have the polls , just to see how my tastes compare with those of others.... but as in so many cases, it is just so hard to pick one favorite. I did end up voting for Exposed, but erections and Evacuate were also very high in the running.

  It is a shame there cannot be a more complex polling algorithm. One where we could pick 1rst, 2ond and 3rd choice and the results would calculate several breakdowns, like the most votes over all, the most votes in  1rst, 2ond and 3rd respectively, and then a conglomerate result where 1rst choice votes get 3 points , 2ond get 2 points and 3rd get 1 vote so when reading that result perhaps one cappie that did dot get any 1rst choice votes ends up with the most votes because everyone chose it for 2ond.  Just a thought....I love statistics....and of course, your fine cappies.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Baby Butch

Thank you Alyssa Dee, I am glad you liked the new cappies with a poll. I know when it's hard to pick a favorite I must of did a good job with all of them.


The old site had a little different poll, you could vote for more than one if the poll is set up for it. The new polls seem to have only one option for voting.



I voted for Nick in Exposed, because I like the outfit she's wearing - the blue patterned jumper dress over a white blouse. Very schoolgirl! For second place my choice is Mark in Erections. I like the yellow dress with matching fishnet stockings.


Wearing a short pleated Tartan-patterned skirt over a wet diaper,


Baby Butch

I always liked the schoolgirl in a diaper idea so the picture in Exposed was perfect to caption. I am glad you like the captions Prissie and the outfits.


Vewy gweat cappies BB. I weally had a hawd time picking just one as a favowite. I do wuv your cappies soooooooo sooooooooo much. Wuv you BB.
a new me teehee
Baby Butch
Fanks, dese a bit naughty, gwad ooo fink deys gweat. Yous vewy nice wif da comments, wuv ya Baby Butch. : )
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