PG 13 Mystie Says Hi
Introduction of an Old Friend..
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Hiya, I'm Mystie...I'm a bit of an Adult Baby Girl, but I had the misfortune of being born "Male" to the I got older (in age not heart) I started to realize how different I was...eventually by some weird and backwards stroke of luck I ended up at Marybeth Sanford's Website (I /was/ slightly underage at the time - this was a good 16+ years ago) obsessing over boys in dresses photos...I guess that was when I first realized that I wasn't exactly "Whole" as what my cards had dealt me. Time Passed, I learned more about Feminization and especially forced fem as I grew older..(For those that don't understand how forced fem ties into all this - think of the fantasy as a shield, which protects my mentality from the world at large trying to tell me I'm "wrong", which is a /very/ prevalent belief in my area of the States...

In real life I'm forced to hide in the shadow of this thing I've been told to be, but online I'm free as a bird to explore all sorts of feminine and girly ideas...

I'm just looking to express this feminine part of myself and I've been visiting Sissy Kiss for the longest time from the shadows, I finally decided to get up the courage to return (originally I had an email with sissykissmail, before that was shut down, too bad really, I /loved/ the email extension :D) )

I never really had the courage to interact with anyone before, but things have changed...and I'm trying to sort out who I am, hopefully we can all be great friends :D
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Baby Puss
Welcome, and you should be right at home here.  
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss! Nice to meet another new member. : )

Welcome to you will feel right at home here!
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