PG How can I get myself to wet the bed?
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I've been trying to fall asleep while listening to hypnosis files but I can't seem to make my mind go blank enough to fall asleep. I also can't seem to make myself wet my diapers in that state either.

If I sit up or move at all I can easily make myself wet my diapers, so I know that I'm able to do it. I just have to get past a lifetime's worth of potty training.

I tried to make it as easy as possible. I put down plastic sheets and wore 4 diapers must to make sure I wouldn't leak. I just couldn't make myself let go and fall asleep. What am I doing wrong? Have any of you had success at this?
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the only time I wet the bed is if I drink a lot of alcohol.( 4, segrams 7 and 7up is my limit right now) However that's not exactly healthy so just drink 3 glassess of water right before going to bed. you'll have to wake up at night to go potty, but in 6-7 months you won't even notice anymore. If I had time I'd post the link to the 12 month diaper training program,(it should be somewhere on SK...) but alas english 101 becons' me thus, stupid 10:45 class.
If someone could direct clarisselovelace to said link, I think it would be very helpful.
@clarisselovelace: mostly focus on the bedwetting protion but read the whole thing a couple of times, it is worth the time to read.
You might try shifting your sleeping position as well. I normally sleep in my side; I find I can't/won't wet unless I'm sleeping on my back. :3

In truth, there is no better place to be...
Than falling out of darkness, still to see.
You have to understand to wet at night is a big deal. You have spent most of your life trying not to. Your mom would press this issue over and over. Keep up the tapes they will help but in time. Stop over diapering I'm sure it’s all you think about, is how baby you feel.
Here are some things that might help you.
• Wear a good disposable diaper with a pair of plastic pants over them (safety) this way you are insured that if you leak you will not mess up your bed. This will get old. I personally wear CVS diaper they are cloth back without having to wash them. Save the baby styles for day time when you care what they look like. Night is more about function.
• Don’t over dress at night just a nice onesie will do what you need hold your diaper in place as well as keeping your naughty hands out.
• Have some hot green tea just before you go to bed. 4 to 6 oz will work.
• Put your tape on so they play in an loop
• And forget that you are in diapers
• If you wake up and need to potty you ether lay on your back or belly and let it go. Remember no changing until morning not matter what time you wet them.
• One other thing that helps is a good pacifiers (nuk5 it will not mess you teeth up) it will take you mind off the diaper.
Sweet dreams and wet morning
This is the link:

 the only time I wet the bed is if I drink a lot of alcohol.( 4, segrams 7 and 7up is my limit right now) However that's not exactly healthy so just drink 3 glassess of water right before going to bed. you'll have to wake up at night to go potty, but in 6-7 months you won't even notice anymore. If I had time I'd post the link to the 12 month diaper training program,(it should be somewhere on SK...) but alas english 101 becons' me thus, stupid 10:45 class.
If someone could direct clarisselovelace to said link, I think it would be very helpful.
@clarisselovelace: mostly focus on the bedwetting protion but read the whole thing a couple of times, it is worth the time to read.  

These are really helpful suggestions. Thank you!
When I first put a diaper on as an adult (well, a teenager) I had trouble wetting myself. Every time I was about to go, I'd tense up and stop myself. But I kept thinking about how it was ok, because I was in a diaper, and I tried to picture a running river. Finally I managed to relax and let myself wet my diaper. It was just in brief spurts at first, since I kept tensing up. But over time I got used to the feeling and it became easier to wet. Now it's second nature to just let go and wet my diaper.

One important lesson I soon learned was that plastic baby panties are *not* meant to contain a large amount of liquid; they're just there to keep your wet diaper from touching your outer clothes. So you need to make sure you wear a thick enough diaper to soak up all the pee. If you plan to wear your diaper to bed for the night, you'll need a thicker diaper than during the day, when you can expect to be changed more often. Especially if you drink a lot before bedtime!

Good luck, and have fun!

- Sissy Desiree
- Sissy Desiree

I agree with Desiree, you really have to just relax. And it's going to take time. When I first started wearing diapers to bed, the only way that I could wet was to sit up, just like you. But now as soon as I get the urge to wet it just happens no matter what position I am in.
And as Desiree suggested, wear a thick diaper. I usually wear cloth and plastic panties. If you are going to wear a disposable, make sure it is a premium one, like a Bambino. I use Bambinos and plastic panties when I am out of town at night and have no problems.

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