PG Mmo's
What type do you play if you do any.
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So, I have always wondered if anybody in the diaper world had and liked playing MMO's. Like RPG games and stuffs. I have been interested in diapers and such, but never thought of meeting another person who likes to wear them and playing an MMO. Some time ago I was playing a game called Eden Eternal, and a person I was playing with (which was a random person) for a time had an interesting statement that cause me to look into seeing if there were any others who did wear diapers and play games like Eden Eternal. This statement was, one person said, "brb bathroom," and another person said, "diapers ftw." I really wonder, is there anyone who does play eden and likes diapers. Females or males, but I saw a male, so I guess I want to see a female say it, but I know that many of the females are mostly more private. I understand all that, and so it is alright. But I still wonder, who plays MMO's and wears diapers.
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Sissybaby Thuthy
I've played Everquest II myself some time back. I tends to take a lot of time, so I usually stop playing after a few months, then find myself back again a year later or so :)

In your example of "diapers ftw" that may just be a joke reference to the fact that many people do insane 24+ hour gaming sessions, so obviously diapers would prevent you from having to leave the computer. It may not mean the person was actually wearing them. Then again, who knows :)

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