an MMO role playing game i'm planning
a whole world for sissies - i need help
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for some time now, I was planning an online multi-player game with a sissy/boarding school theme. Since I'm not an artist it would be a textual game, something like a detailed intractable story - something like a pencil&paper RPG but online.

It would be a school where "girls" and girls come at will or are forced by parents and where they are thought all the things a girl should know to become the perfect housewife.

The main driving force behind a character would be happiness which could be achieved in many ways depending on the personality. Some would be happy by achieving good grades and some by nasty games. Happiness could be also lost due to punishment or unfortunate events and a character that is too unhappy would be out of or limited control until happiness is restored.

I was also thinking about a multiple clothing layer simulation where something that reveals too much would cause unhappiness or happiness again depending on the character personality.

There would be also an accent on (also sexual) punishment of misbehaving girls with caning, spanking, or maybe some kind of public embarrassment.

Players could also interact with characters of other players in various ways.

The coding and hosting while in development can be done by me and I only need help with testing and ideas or suggestions...

What do you think about it?
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Little sissy boy
Sounds fun i would help but the only things i know how to edit is fire emblem games and i would love to test it
Fun!! :3 I would be for it!
Sounds like it could be fun.
I can help out with testing, as well as editing for grammar, spelling, continuity, wordiness, etc.
  I'm a writer, so it'd be a cakewalk.

The game definitely sounds like a fun idea. ^_^
this sounds like it would be really good you should go to they have a lot of games and game engines that could be used to make it of course a lot of the systems for making games wouldn't be mmo
This sounds like a lovely idea, but.....

If you actually succeed and make it available, I'm afraid I won't stop playing it until I collapse at my keyboard from dehydration and malnutrition. ^_^

Seriously, though...I've beta tested some mods for friends, am pretty good at keeping a good testing log to report errors. If there are any graphics, I have some skill with GIMP (poor girls Photoshop). And I'd love to contribute ideas for game content, if I have any to offer that seem congruent with the game concept.

How can we find out more about it?
Executive Transvestite
& Monster Grrrrrl

Every new day we are granted is a gift, a precious gift. But it's usually tube socks or fruitcake or some crap like that,when all you
REALLY wanted was a Malibu Barbie.

"We're alone in a godless universe. Life is meaningless, death is inevitable. But is that necessarily SO depressing ?
"Brendan Fraser, as 'Eliot', in"Bedazzled"

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