R Mixed Cappies
A variety of cappies are used to rebuild this thread.
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Baby Butch
I have rebuilt this thread with 5 never seen before cappies!
All of these captions are so very cute, I like and love them all, I have given you five kisses. I'm not one to assume things, so may I ask Baby Butch, is Babyish based on me?

It okay if not, I not really like the name Timothy anyway, I hated it, so when I was given the chance to change my name I was really glad that I could. I know that I would not have been any happier if I had been given any other boys name, that said, out of all of the boys names to be given, I so wish I had never been given that one.

Again I am so glad you rebuilt these captions.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
No PetBabyAmy you did not come to mind when I made the first caption. I use many different names and seem to be running out of them I make so many captions.

I am glad you commented on the thread since rebuilt threads do not show under new images posted when you log in. They do show under What's New and occasionally someone finds them.

I am glad you love all the captions. I think I made these about 6 months ago. I have lots of cappies that have never been posted. I will no longer rebuild threads due to massive glitches and errors from the original post.

I forgot that many of the old threads were deleted because they never worked in the first place. You would not believe the very strange things that happen. I usually end up deleting them again.
@ Baby Butch
  In that case please, pretty, pretty please do not delete these captions, if only I am the only one to like them, or if you wish, you could send this set to me via email and then delete if you want to do it that way.

I really like this set of captions, sorry to hear about the problems that you have had with them. It would not really surprise me about the strange things  that have happned to you with the captions.

I feel it is a great shame that you have had so many. Talking of things not whoin gUp, My Coming Out Pool Party Caption failed to make it from the moment of it's post in the main forum page, sorry for not mentionin git before, I was kin dof hoping  that you or Christie Love would have noticed and fixed it and with the problems I have been having of late, I did not feel liek reporting the problem.

I know I have now left the matter a little too late since it is no longer new any more and that is okay, it's just one of those things. You're welcome, you deserve the praises, you work so hard and have a a talent that also deserves to be appreciated.

Love, hugs and kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

I could have done well without the stressful thing that happened. This thread will stay since it is working well. I like how these came out and appreciate that you like them PetBabyAmy.

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