PG Missing Images
My new cappies are missing from the threads.
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Hello Everyone,

I am sorry to say that the new cappies I posted last night have disappeared. I have been having trouble posting images with any browser.

I have deleted those threads. I will repost them when the problem is fixed. Christie has been notified and is fixing what is wrong.

Thanks Baby Butch

Update: Wow, almost all my cappies disappeared too, what a shock that was. I did hear from Christie, she did something to restore what went wrong. I have reposted the empty threads from lasts night, the others just reappeared!

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You're not alone Baby Butch, the ast 2 days I checked here at sk. I was having problems with seeing images, and I knew it had nothing to do with my computer or my browser. I was going t send a PM to mention about the problem, but thught better of it, I know how upsetting that is, when that happens. 

I was not happy about it either or all that impressed. Anyway, I am glad that what ever the problem was, has been sorted out. 

Love hugs & Kisses
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