Missing Forum Post?
How can I find out what happened to a post I made?
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Hi there!

I made a post to the Random Chat group about my upcoming honeymoon trip to Japan. I know it was there yesterday, but today I can't find it.

If it was removed because I violated a rule or something, that's fine and I apologize for doing it. I'd just like to know what it was so I can not do that again. :)

Yesterday I also replied to the thread with some advice I got from another form about great places there to do some gothic lolita / sissy dress shopping. Was that the problem?

Thanks for any thoughts,
spacey / angelica - Adopted by, and soon to be married to, Marie
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~*Christie Luv*~
Hi Spacey Angelica! Oh I'm not seeing it anywhere but feel free to repost it!

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