PG Merry Christmas
Yes Christmas is only a week away!
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Merry Christmas to all my friends at Sissy Kiss.

I hope you get what you want for Christmas and stay safe.

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year full of love and friendship.

BTW - this message goes to the viewers of the site too!

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I'm sure that everyone appreciates your kind words and would like to add my best wishes to you and everyone else at the same time.

May everyone have the wonderful sissy christmas they dream of.
Thank you for the kind words, Baby Butch! I'm a bit sad as my favorite chat partner, Miki Yamuri, left the country on vacation today (don't believe that story about German kidnappers, folks). However, I'm helping out with a Christmas concert at my church...I have my family and friends...and I'll be back in Texas next week. is sweet, even with a Mayan Apocalypse/Winter Solstice about to strike...

Merry Christmahanukkwanzaa, people! Or, for the "rest of us" - Happy Festivus!
Jennifer Funshine
First off, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday celebration!
As for me I'm just glad to be done all my shopping as it's been quite the rush.
Now all that's left to do is relax and wait for Santa! This year I'm putting out
chocolate milk and Oreo cookies, I mean a little bribery never hurt anyone, right?
And maybe, just maybe I'll get those sparkling ruby shoes this time. *fingers crossed*

So, Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings and all that jazz...
and to those hosting this special day on behalf of long-distance relatives or family members
do make haste and prepare yourself accordingly for the annual Airing of Grievances! Cheers!

~ Funshine
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