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Advice with life please
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hey girls.... I really need some advice... First of all I have been sorta err defiant and have refused to take my medication for a little more then a month now so I haven't been very.... Heathly minded henceforth all of the depressing poems. I like being off of them because I can think more like myself but in turn... The people I love are in danger of me just because I think like my old self when I was in jail and fighting all the time and even though I have much more self control then back then I still try and hide my emotions which is just hurting me and those around me.... Especially my best friend dg and my gf nicky. Please I just want to know... Should I take my meds again and sacrafice free thought or sacrafice safety? I want to know but I'm tired of bothering my friends and asking them to carry my burden please just be honest.... Free thinking at the exspense of saftey for others or protecting others at the expense of myself feeling of freedom?
Sits in the corner cuddling Hisoka and humming.
Imitaion Black
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Wow the eternal philosophical question of safety versus freedom. I would say however that u should take ure meds since Im not a docter or since I dont know ure condition. Hope I am helpful. *hugs and kisses*  
its not an ideal situation and im not qualified to suggest anything , but i always think people should think freely, but you mentioned fighting and jail?? you CANT put the people who love you in jeopardy.. even if you give up thinking clearly, you owe it to them to repay their faith and love in you to keep them safe and they should never have to worry that the person tehy love so much (you) would ever hurt them..

Again this is just random advice an my opinion an sometimes ya need to hear anything.. It's unfortuanate and I really hope you overcome what you have and can be yourself while being safe at the safe time.. but safety for those who love you first..

Good Luck to ya! xx
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