R looking for new friends :)
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Hello everyone ^_^ let me start off by saying this site is awesome. I have been a long time viewer and haven't made an account until now. I am a TG behind closed doors and for the longest time i have had absolutely no one to relate to about it. Sooooo ya. Hit me up if you ever wanna talk or make a new friend or what ever lol.

Also looking to role play if you are ever interested...

Look at my profile if you wanna know a little more about me...

And btw...how do i change my profile picture...?
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These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Add your message here..
Welcome to Sissy Kiss Stardust! *big hug*

I'm glad you decided to make an account! SK is a great place and it reminds all of us we aren't alone.

I'd love to make friends with you!

And to change your profile picture..if you scroll up a bit on the left sidebar, you should see a picture of your current profile picture right below where it says, "Profile" in cute bubbly letters. Just click on your picture and it will bring you to the page to change your avatar.
Little Bo Peep

 Hello everyone ^_^ let me start off by saying this site is awesome. I have been a long time viewer and haven't made an account until now. I am a TG behind closed doors and for the longest time i have had absolutely no one to relate to about it. Sooooo ya. Hit me up if you ever wanna talk or make a new friend or what ever lol.  

Welcome to Sissykiss Stardust  

I'm happy to swap messages also if you feel like being chatty  

Hope you get from this forum what you came looking for.

Ciao for now

Little Bo Peep
Fancy Free & Frilly
Not following the sheep


Welcome to our group. You'll find lots of people here who understand just how you feel.
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