PG 13 long time lurker first time caller
a bunch of nonse for people to get to know me, hopefully Im using the right topic for this.
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 Hihi, my names Ally Ive been reading stories from this site for gosh who know how many year, feels like a thousand after the last while. I decided I wanted to make an account here since people seemed so nice. Im a pre-op trans girl little who's disabled physically all her life. Ive a number of health issues along with a lot of trauma based ones so Im a "wee bit" fragile. Im authentic and truthful Im shy but I try. also  lot of my favorite stories revolve around very small men turning into baby girls in any fashion cause its super cute and a lot of my favorite stories are written by baby butch I love many others but I read their stuff a lot more because it tends to hit my likes. I hope you all welcome me and be kind, Im ace, scared of men  and Im sex averse  but love girls and one day I wanna find a mommy who will let me breastfeed and live with her. feel free to say hi, otherwis this is my sorta introduction  

p.s. I absolutely love bunnies and my babyfur is a Carbuncle (ffxiv creature with Bunny mix) :3 also she practices green witchcraft like myself.please dont be mean
Kindness for Kindness's sake, love for love's sake, joy for joy's sake and Pizza for the Anchovies.
Source: my brain
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Baby Puss
Hey, welcome to Sissy Kiss, officially now that you made a profile.
Don’t worry, people here are good and friendly. Being a bit shy is only natural too.  
Being a sissy is a harmless thing to do and it does not hurt any 1 so have fun  
Welcome to sissy kiss you will enjoy it here. We are a friendly bunch      
@ sissybabysamantha2
  I'm gonna try, I get overwhelmed a lot. but I've been here forever and I wanted to try and fit in with y'all :3
Kindness for Kindness's sake, love for love's sake, joy for joy's sake and Pizza for the Anchovies.
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a big baby who still wears diapers. Great to hear you love my stories. Have a great stay on Sissy Kiss! 
Fem Prince C
Welcome to SissyKiss and hope you enjoy your time here. I'm developmental and physically disabled  btw.
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