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The Loneliness of the Long Time AB
I hope this is encouragment for any AB on their own
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As a long time AB (my first experience was when I was nine and suddenly had to go into my bed alone where I desperately had to pee), I know that it can be very isolated being an AB. If you don't have that experience, count yourself lucky! But if you are, I want to go thru my thoughts, not to get any reply from you, but to share that sense of isolation.
OK, I know you can share via chat lines, but to me that seems dangerous, though there are many nice AB folk, but as AB is all about fantasy, it seems to me that many when they chat are merely extending that fantasy and what I am searching for is reality. OK, you can get the real thing if you can find a kind professional nanny, but that is usually expensive, and even the best are never exactly reality, too much like one of those sex films where it is all put on.
No, what I find is, that it is hard to share your inner AB feelings with anyone and if that's you then I can encourage by saying that the chat line to God really does work, yes even for ABs. Why? When you think about it, Jesus himself was not only a baby going thru difficulties in that Christmas story. There's one bible story of him as a child aged twelve, very independent of his mum and dad, and later (Mark chapter 3 verse 21) his own family are trying to get him put away: something must have roused their concerns!
Now I would never suggest Jesus was AB, but neither was he mainstream, didn't he walk on water? Then he had this feet fetish, not only wiping his friends' feet but on several occasions having a loose woman draping her hair on his feet and pouring oil on them. Jesus certainly met those who were not mainstream... as well as the young because when they bought babes to him he said those well known lines Suffer the Little Children. More importantly, he actually told adults that if we want to see God, you must become like little children. So I believe Jesus when he was on earth did know all about those things we care for, and today we can pray to him in heaven he does listen and understand just what it feels like to be AB. He prayed, 'I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them to babes.' God's kingdom doesn't exclude anyone, certainly not those who are prepared to be like ''babes.'
I have found Jesus does help one AB, try him yourself, he'll never turn you away. AB is a starting point to real reality
Love StevieSweet
Stevie Sweet

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