So now here I am sitting in a very messy diaper waiting for a wash cycle that takes forever, and loving every moment :) I should have done this a long time ago. The only problem is that the whole experience has made little me as excited as ever, and I can't pee, which is a bit uncomfortable.
Next time I'm going to lock myself in and put on some adult clothes, then ride my bike at least an hour away, then use it before returning home, but I may try that marshmallow trick I just read about here, it sounds great.
So, any ideas to move on from there? I would love to know, thanks.
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"
If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"
If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.