PG 13 I am a little lost
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Hello, I come here because I wonder about myself, I am a young man of 18 years old and I am French.
But when I watch comic book images where a man is forced to be a girl or a baby girl, I want to be in his place.
Is this normal? Why does this excite me? I don't understand ... Explain to me please. :3
(Little information: I never put on female clothes)
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Baby Puss
Hi Yui, you ask is this normal? Maybe, maybe not. Trying to look around yourself, and judge if you’re normal is very difficult. There is no real normal, it’s an illusion. One person’s normal, is not the same as another’s. You might be better off, trying to accept your feelings, and know it’s ok to have them, and do what you feel comfortable with. 
Why it might excite you? I can’t say, I don’t know you. You might not know why it does,  you may never know why. Try not to feel to bad over this though. Look around, just the idea this site, and others like it exists, shows, there are many people like yourself, and many of us, don’t know, or can point to something that, can be the ignition point. If you ever figure this out, and can say what that point is, that’s fine. But you can also, not know, and still accept it, and just enjoy what you like. If it feels good to you, it is! 
I myself, am not sure what drives, my feelings, or what I do. I’ve been doing this all my 55 year old life, well almost. I do have some suspicions, and vague inclinations, but I’m not sure. I have learned, not to worry so much about, why. I just enjoy who I am, and how I feel, and indulge in what I feel is right for me. There is absolutely nothing wrong, or abnormal about any of these things. 
I hope, you can feel a little bit better about yourself, and the feelings you have, no reason you shouldn’t. Just enjoy! 
sissy Aria
Oui c'est très normal

@ sissy Aria
ah ok merci :)
Baby Butch
I think it is normal but many people would not admit this. I like to watch Bewitched and wish Elizabeth Montgomery could be my mommy. I would be Tabitha!
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