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PG A little baby girl waves hi!
My introduction!
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 Hey hey! How are you all doing? Hope you're surviving these craaazy times! So I'm a guy who likes to be a cute, pretty, and helpful little baby girl and I'm here looking for friends and maybe even a Mommy! I loooove all things cute and adorable and being a baby girl for a few reasons. One, the aesthetic is just so much cuter and more adorable! I love all the clothes and outfits and accessories little girls get that just aren't available for little boys. Secondly, I just feel littler as a little girl. I'm not really sure why that is, but I do. And third, it makes me feel more submissive to my Mommy. So yeah, being a little baby girl rules!

I'm a very sweet and kind little girl, so I'm super happy to make friends and play with anyone, so don't be afraid to message me! I like to colour, go swimming, play dress up, snuggle with my stuffies, watch cartoons and disney, play nintendo, and listen and sing to music! 

Have a fantastic day!!!!
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