The Last, But Not The Final.
An Announcment.
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To all of my fwiends here at sissykiss and none fwiends awike, A Living Doll iseths my last stowy here, but not the last ever final stowy.

Me iseths taking a short break and will post two to three Christmas Related Stowies some time in december, but after this, me won't be posting stowies fwo a while.

Me want to concentrate during my break on a stowy project me started about a month ago and me wubs wike to finish it. It iseths a project that belongs to what haseths been an on going project throughout the years, it has been such a big project.

That it became 12 individual projects, the one me started a month ago and if me can get this one completed, will be my 13th and final over all project.

What iseths the project? I hear you all ask. All 12 Projects are actually Doctor Who related, more to the point, my very own kind of Doctor Who Stories.

They became a project simply because, me write most of my own stories that are not related to any Movie or anyfing on TV, so to do any story based on or around a Movie or a TV show iseths somefing completely different, Doctor Who has it's own unique style.

It haseths been reinvented many times, but the integrity that makes the show what it is, iseths the most important fing and so it was a huge fing fwo me to take on.

Doing my own Doctor Who stowies, me twieed to do a few between 1986 to 1999, but many of the ideas were not exactly what me wanted to do Docotor Who wise.

Me kept those stowies fwo a while, as me was not geting anywhere wivs doing the kind of Doctor Who stowies me had dreamed and hoped to do. Yeth me do mean Doctor Who wivs sissy themes.

And that iseths not so easy to do, when twying to maintain and keep each stowy the feel and style of Doctor Who, this me haveths manged to achieve, wivs great results and the First Doctor Who Project was completed in 2000. Each project had a set of stowies within them all.

Will me post any of these Docotor Who stowies? Only if me get more than at least above five requests, idealy ten. The weason fwo this is due to the lack of interest of a Star Trek Stowy me twied to post once.

It got a few views, but werry wittle comments, me was crushed by that, and deeply upset, so me removed the stowy fwom this site, me have no wish to go through a simular experience, so me hopeths you will understand my reluctance in this instance to not want to post any of my Doctor Who stowies and why me wubs pwefer if possible a high amount of interest.

Me wuvs you all, me will post new stowies sometime in the new year, look out fwo the Chritmas specials, after those, it will be a long wait, sowwy, but me do need and want a break fwom posting stowies.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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little sister i would to read them story any if the rest do not little. i love dr. who and i love all your story. you are as good or greater Anne McCaffrey the wright of book pern. if no one whant to read them seen them to me little one.

your big sitter
Thank you Big Sister Shilong fwo your comment, me do not know when me will be getting my Docotor Who Stowies typed up, fwo know, they all exist as hand written stowies, nearly most of all of my stowies me haveths written are by hand using pen and paper.

When me do get my stowies typed up and saved onto my computer, me shalleths gladly send you a copy of each stowy fwom each end every project.... Fank you so much fwo the wonderful compliment.


Your Baby Sister.

 little sister i would to read them story any if the rest do not little. i love dr. who and i love all your story. you are as good or greater Anne McCaffrey the wright of book pern. if no one whant to read them seen them to me little one.

your big sitter


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

I may rarely comment lil sister but I do always take a look at and enjoy your stories :) *hugs*
Fank you Sister Lynniegirl fwo your comment, much appweciated and me iseths glads to know that you at least do wead my stowies.


 I may rarely comment lil sister but I do always take a look at and enjoy your stories :) *hugs*  


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Really nice stowy. .]


Will me post any of these Docotor Who stowies? Only if me get more than at least above five requests, idealy ten. The weason fwo this is due to the lack of interest of a Star Trek Stowy me twied to post once.

It got a few views, but werry wittle comments, me was crushed by that, and deeply upset, so me removed the stowy fwom this site, me have no wish to go through a simular experience, so me hopeths you will understand my reluctance in this instance to not want to post any of my Doctor Who stowies and why me wubs pwefer if possible a high amount of interest.

I have almost stopped being shocked at what will not gain any interest here. Some of the things I think that this kind of community would be most interested in...they are not. Other things I say in passing end up being discussed for pages and pages. I guess when it comes to me as an artist with my poems and my music I post on here, since I make the music for myself, I really don't care if people like it or not. I just care that they understand why they like or dislike it. My poems being made specifically to be digested by the people who visit here and a few friends of mine on the other hand I usually require a little feedback about after all the hard work. So oddly enough I feel both for you and don't understand your attachment to "interest" all at once. However a lack of feedback would never stop me from crafting little gems, even if only I appriciate their cut fully.

Me wuvs you all, me will post new stowies sometime in the new year, look out fwo the Chritmas specials, after those, it will be a long wait, sowwy, but me do need and want a break fwom posting stowies.  

Now on the other hand, I totally understand if you have burnt yourself out, that you need a rest from letting all of your creative energy leave your body. You'll come back refreshed, less frustrated and ready to do what you love again. Just because you are not posting stories though does not mean that you have to take a vacation from the site. Maybe take your own turn at being an audiance member instead of the performer  Just as you have pointed out, every piece of art needs an audiance.

A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Fank you wery much fwo your wonderful comment OopsiePanty. Me do do wivs each stowy put in a lot of effort, my heart and soul, me beagan doing stowies just fwo my self, but now me have people to share them wivs.

It is iseths wery important that my followers wike my work, that there is enough interest, not only that me iseths a person of deep emotional feelings and me do feel on a wery deep, deep scale.

Me not expect you to understand this, or why me iseths effected in this way. Me can onmly hope that you twy to understand, wivs me all fings are connected, it's not easy to explain, so wery few people understand.

So do not worry that you do not understand.
Those who are my friends will gladly tell you how mauch a sensitive person me twuly is, how sometimes even the smallest of fings can sincerely effect me, but that iseths the way me is, have been so all of my life.

Is the way that me is a blessing or a curse? It is both, but that iseths the way fings are. Even the best authors get writers block, or they quickly run out of ideas. Right now, me have a special project me want to finish off doing, me need my creativity fwo that.

Once that is done, yeth me will need a creative re-charge, before me me get back to posting again. Fank you again fwo your input and everyfing you haveths said.


 I have almost stopped being shocked at what will not gain any interest here. Some of the things I think that this kind of community would be most interested in...they are not. Other things I say in passing end up being discussed for pages and pages. I guess when it comes to me as an artist with my poems and my music I post on here, since I make the music for myself, I really don't care if people like it or not. I just care that they understand why they like or dislike it. My poems being made specifically to be digested by the people who visit here and a few friends of mine on the other hand I usually require a little feedback about after all the hard work. So oddly enough I feel both for you and don't understand your attachment to "interest" all at once. However a lack of feedback would never stop me from crafting little gems, even if only I appriciate their cut fully.

Now on the other hand, I totally understand if you have burnt yourself out, that you need a rest from letting all of your creative energy leave your body. You'll come back refreshed, less frustrated and ready to do what you love again. Just because you are not posting stories though does not mean that you have to take a vacation from the site. Maybe take your own turn at being an audiance member instead of the performer  Just as you have pointed out, every piece of art needs an audiance.


All things are connected, as well as all things have their time. If even posting takes away from you what you need, lets call it glamour, to create and feel alive. Then I would agree with you that you need to even back off from that.

At the same time the opposite is true, but maybe at this time it is the previous that is true for you.

I hope that you find a place in which you can just let out all the words, images and ideas burstings from inside you, so that they can have their time.

May you find that convergence of time and place 

Surround yourself with the things in the world that matter to you most and you will find a near everlasting well of life will flow through you. From these objects, in your times of greatest need you will find the glamour you need to move through your creative process unscathed.

And I disagree with myself one last time though, while your language might be childish, you clearly have a view in your mind of what you need to do, what you must do, and what you can do. These are the only things I can guess at, but the ones which you know best. No matter what you do.

Enjoy Life.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Oh fank you so, so much, OopsiePanty fwo such a wonderful meaningful comment. Oh, just pwease do not refer to the way me communicates as childish, me sure you not mean it in a bad way.

Me iseths AB full time, well, that iseths a work in progress sort of fing me twying to achieve, this fwo me iseths my deepest need of all, to be AB full time that is. And me iseths not the only one that pwefers to baby talk or lisp. Me do both since me iseths a Sissy too.

The only time me notlisp or baby talk iseths when me iseths being an adult and when me post my stowies, it goes without saying, they need to be in adult english. Me fully understand that. Other than this, me iseths so wery grateful of your comment, you seem wike a wery wonderful person, can we be fwiends pwease?

It not often me meet someone else that undertstands the whole connection fing, you seem to understand it. Again fank you ever so much fwo your comment, me cuds kwiss you right now. Giggles.


 All things are connected, as well as all things have their time. If even posting takes away from you what you need, lets call it glamour, to create and feel alive. Then I would agree with you that you need to even back off from that.

At the same time the opposite is true, but maybe at this time it is the previous that is true for you.

I hope that you find a place in which you can just let out all the words, images and ideas burstings from inside you, so that they can have their time.

May you find that convergence of time and place 

Surround yourself with the things in the world that matter to you most and you will find a near everlasting well of life will flow through you. From these objects, in your times of greatest need you will find the glamour you need to move through your creative process unscathed.

And I disagree with myself one last time though, while your language might be childish, you clearly have a view in your mind of what you need to do, what you must do, and what you can do. These are the only things I can guess at, but the ones which you know best. No matter what you do.

Enjoy Life.  

Oh fank you so, so much, OopsiePanty fwo such a wonderful meaningful comment. Oh, just pwease do not refer to the way me communicates as childish, me sure you not mean it in a bad way.

Hellos, I assure you, I ment nothing offensive by it. It was a compliment. :(

Me iseths AB full time, well, that iseths a work in progress sort of fing me twying to achieve, this fwo me iseths my deepest need of all, to be AB full time that is. And me iseths not the only one that pwefers to baby talk or lisp. Me do both since me iseths a Sissy too.

Referring back to the previous, was it offensive because it was like calling you too old?

The only time me notlisp or baby talk iseths when me iseths being an adult and when me post my stowies, it goes without saying, they need to be in adult english. Me fully understand that. Other than this, me iseths so wery grateful of your comment, you seem wike a wery wonderful person, can we be fwiends pwease?

I'm that creepy kid who when she isn't aware of it talks in the third person and acts like they have seen one too many ghosts...I tend to write greatly above my maturity level, but it is mostly due to the number of experiences I have had while at the same time being unable to grow up. However I tend to talk much younger than I write. I think something about the way grammer is pounded into you as a kid really left a mark on me. And I kinda view the two as different mediums of communication.

The end result though is a very compressed feeling of life and it is extreemly hard for me to keep years straight with it comes to my own experiences. I'm also all too aware of my own mental process, in some strange 3rd person way...When I was young (like 5) people would call me a young adult, but I felt closer to 10. For most of my life, every year I have felt very close to "10" and it has taken me a lot to mature myself to what I consider 12 now. The more things change, the more I stay the same. It's opposite to the life experience that many people have. When everything happened when you "were 10" it is very hard to view time as linear and even though I seem to have a much better long term memory than the average person, my ability to say in which order things happened is below average.

It not often me meet someone else that undertstands the whole connection fing, you seem to understand it. Again fank you ever so much fwo your comment, me cuds kwiss you right now. Giggles.

I look at life and my every day situations in a very hollistic way. To mean, I consider multiple possibilities at once and then I consider their results and then I plot possible results all in a matter of moments. It is probably the only positive aspect of my PTSD. My brain is perma-overclocked from events I have been though and it has been tought to anticipate responces before acting. It doesn't mean I am right all the time, but I often consider things nobody else does in a group when making decisions (this usually makes me an extreemly valued player in pen and paper RP circles). There's a lot of downsides though to it, so I don't want to make it sound like some kind of a good thing to get, or to make light of it in any way...ok well a little, I always make light of most everything, cept when things are dire. I have to laugh at life to keep going through it. I realize that I am digressing a little bit, but to get back to the point, I do understand even if I don't know how to perfectly talk to you yet and I would like very much so to be your friend, with dialogs like this, you writing in your way, me in my own. If we can accept each other as similar yet different, I think we can be wonderful friends.


Hugs and kisses back at ya darling! I am glad that we randomly met like this. Too bad it had to be at a time when you are needing some space >_

I'd love to keep in some touch with you though during your writing process, heck if you like I would even be willing to read your stories as you finish each one. I liked the origional Dr Who when I was younger, but never was able to accept the new series. Depending on what type of feedback you would like I can either suggest changes to a freshly finished story or just reflect on what I thought of it as a piece of art. I think I read that you hand write them though, so changes might be tricky...and I might have to review them purely on the basis of art (which is hard for me to do...but I could do it). Often what I review for people is audio and I am doing it to directly suggest changes before they call the mix final so I am in a phase in my life where I tend to disect art before appriciating it...or reviewing my own songs to stress over if I need to re-do it, usually to fix a technical error because like your writings, my songs are live, in an analog format, and I make them on the fly with real hardware. So re-creating them to fix say one error is usually not worth the 20 attempts it will take me to play the exact same song within 95% or so and while fixing the error and not making any new ones. I don't use computer editing either so you get to hear the defects present in the hardware itself which studios usually edit out.

For example a 909 drum machine takes a 32nd note of pause in the first measure of the pattern when you alter the drum pattern live. This 32nd note is almost always a bass drum kick and in a studio they replace this bass beat with one of the others from the pattern on a computer so that the transitions are seemless.

My art like yours is raw and a little bit of a pain to get into a "modern" format, in my case wave files to make a CD, I don't know if you scan or photocopy your writings, but whatever you do is surely more work than when someone just opens word, types a story, spellchecks it and prints out 50 copies. I have to take analog tape through a 24 bit A/D converter and then convert that signal to an optical one with another box in order to connect it to a third box which converts the optical signal to a wave file over USB (to prevent noise present in all PC sound cards from getting into the recording).

You have to write perfectly in ink on a page of paper, spelling, grammer, the lot of it. All while trying to be true to a prexisting storyline with already existing characters and plots...I have to have perfect timing for 4-8 minutes, while keeping in my head how to alter analog waves, and exact settings to get the sounds I want which involves usually changing 5 or 6 knobs on the wave generator in about a 16th note of time... Plus I have to alter the drum machine, alter the bass wave generator, run looping tape decks or in the case of one song vocals from the psp, using it's A-B repeat feature for some interesting loop effects, letting me chop up some pre-made wave files in ways I normally could not with an analog tape looping in a deck for about 6 seconds. Oh and I am adding in another drum machine so I can have 32nd notes on my high hat (by running one drum machine at say 125 BPM and the other one at 250 BPM and using a cross fade mixer to go between them, while keeping the bass drum on a loop at 125BPM so neither drum machine is producing it... Afterall that's how they did it in the 80s. My "keyboard" doesn't have sounds like "piano" or "guitar", it has a lot of knobs and sliders which let you make your own sounds. There's actually about 22 different variables which go into each sound before you consider which wave generator (it has 4 of them) I am using and each of those 22 variables has effectivly 128 possible settings. I could spend my entire lifetime trying to produce every possible sound it can make. Well or at least maybe 20 years or something.

It's ok if you don't know what I am talking about, the point is, it's a lot more work than what people do today with buying premade libraries of samples and dropping them into a loop program. Just like what you are doing is ultimatly a lot harder than it could be for you if fully assisted my modern wordprocessing technology...but then maybe the story wouldn't be the same in the end either. I know my music sure wouldn't have the late 80s, early 90s live rave feeling it has with a splash of Tracker (file type) feeling thrown in to many of the songs if I was just doing what most people do now and buying sample libraries (a sample is a pre-recorded sound which may or may not be designed to loop) would sound like all the modern 32 channel, super complex, more is less music I hear more and more. I seldom use more than 6 mono (single) channels on my mixing board.

Oh and yeah, lets network here on this site, then you can read my blog too (which I need to badly update). But I do go on some interesting tangents at times into reality and other such things you might find interesting. And I again, I am sorry that the word childish came accross as offensive to you, could you give me another word to use in its place? I don't know if it is an age thing or if the word itself has been wielded against you, is "childlike" equally offensive to describe your typing style in this thread? Is Babyish better (even though it probably isn't a word)? I am happy that you were able to tell I was probably not trying to offend you though even though it made you uncomfortable. A lot of people don't see that.

A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
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