Me iseths taking a short break and will post two to three Christmas Related Stowies some time in december, but after this, me won't be posting stowies fwo a while.
Me want to concentrate during my break on a stowy project me started about a month ago and me wubs wike to finish it. It iseths a project that belongs to what haseths been an on going project throughout the years, it has been such a big project.
That it became 12 individual projects, the one me started a month ago and if me can get this one completed, will be my 13th and final over all project.
What iseths the project? I hear you all ask. All 12 Projects are actually Doctor Who related, more to the point, my very own kind of Doctor Who Stories.
They became a project simply because, me write most of my own stories that are not related to any Movie or anyfing on TV, so to do any story based on or around a Movie or a TV show iseths somefing completely different, Doctor Who has it's own unique style.
It haseths been reinvented many times, but the integrity that makes the show what it is, iseths the most important fing and so it was a huge fing fwo me to take on.
Doing my own Doctor Who stowies, me twieed to do a few between 1986 to 1999, but many of the ideas were not exactly what me wanted to do Docotor Who wise.
Me kept those stowies fwo a while, as me was not geting anywhere wivs doing the kind of Doctor Who stowies me had dreamed and hoped to do. Yeth me do mean Doctor Who wivs sissy themes.
And that iseths not so easy to do, when twying to maintain and keep each stowy the feel and style of Doctor Who, this me haveths manged to achieve, wivs great results and the First Doctor Who Project was completed in 2000. Each project had a set of stowies within them all.
Will me post any of these Docotor Who stowies? Only if me get more than at least above five requests, idealy ten. The weason fwo this is due to the lack of interest of a Star Trek Stowy me twied to post once.
It got a few views, but werry wittle comments, me was crushed by that, and deeply upset, so me removed the stowy fwom this site, me have no wish to go through a simular experience, so me hopeths you will understand my reluctance in this instance to not want to post any of my Doctor Who stowies and why me wubs pwefer if possible a high amount of interest.
Me wuvs you all, me will post new stowies sometime in the new year, look out fwo the Chritmas specials, after those, it will be a long wait, sowwy, but me do need and want a break fwom posting stowies.