where have you been for the last 32 years?
who is living my life? .....you or me?
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Are boys allowed to be cute in colors associated with girls user defined?
Is it really wrong for a boy to be seen in a skirt?
Is a fashion statement really an offensive insult?
If this subject of cross dressing was thrown open to the public then the comments would differ as most poles do.
Many would agree and many would disagree no mater what the subject.
If a man was to get out the shower with a towel around his waste .is this the closest thing to cross dressing as he is allowed to be?
Perhaps a Scottish kilt?
What is it that a cross dresser finds that they have to explain themselves more to the inquisitive members of the public than say a gay holding hands?
Why is this stigma attached to males in dresses?
If I was to be a punk rocker with studs all over my face in tight black leather and a Mohican in green and pink is more or less acceptable?
Fashion has moved on leaps and bounds over the decades.
Now woman wear jeans and trousers and mens shirts and more.
In the uk free expression and freedom of speech was earned at a costly price of human lives to be able to appreciate some of the bold and finer things in life.
Other parts of the world hold far more extreme consequences for this sort of behavior.
Discrimination and bullying still exists in society by judging us and executing there opinions and sentence up on us feeling they have a right to do so in this matter.
Vigilante is not uncommon in groups of society creating a movement above and beyond there legal entitlements.
Freedom of speech is a right with in reason.
Freedom of expression is a right within reason.
Is cross dressing offensive?
This tends to flare in to outrage and often violence towards members of the transgender or cross dresser members of society.
Most who have never laid eyes upon us before in there lives seem to have the impression that they have a say in the way people dress..
Taking the rough with the smooth ..I get good and bad comments
Most comments are uttered under the breath or behind your back from the scheming within our local community.
This scheming can involve members of public in ranking positions to start a chain of events to oppress an individual.

Looking at a male in bright vibrant pink jogging suit and hood with a plaid skirt running through the park is nothing to give a second glance to.
Perhaps now he is sitting in a night club .
Perhaps he has just got on a bus and sits next to you
How do you feel?
Have you the need to get up and find another seat?
Scream abuse in his face and give him a piece of your mind?
Complement him on his choice of fashion?
Start attacking him for what ever reason you deem is fitting?

To feel happy in ones self ..
Looking after your body is essential to achieving an old ripe age.
As this vessel moves and multi tasks for you yet so fragile.
Shampoo, soap, moisturizers, and other beauty products are a good way to form a healthy body and maintain a younger complexion.
Males shave the beard and woman shave there legs.
Eye shadow and blushers and lip gloss are damaging to the masculinity of image men feel they have to uphold.
Superstars and pantomime as well as models are accepted to wear make up due to job description.

As this is a start of topic sample.
Im looking for feed back good or bad .
Its your opinion thats helps others come to terms with there oneself

Many thanks for taking the time to read this
Cute Becky
hi sweeties.
have a wonderful day and please read my posts and it would be very nice if you could write a comment of how it was for you 
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Everything in your post is true. Sadly, the world is still judgemental, it is still discriminate, it is still unfair. The worst part of that, it hurts when it happens.
Anyone and everyone should be allowed to wear what they want, unless it is offensive. Then you come to the issue, what is offensive?

A man wearing a “woman’s” outfit, who is that offensive two?
-Other men? No, all your doing is enjoying what your wearing. It is not a statement about all men, nor is it a statement regarding the attitudes of all men. Just because one man wears woman’s clothes, doesn’t mean the other men like to.

-Women? No, if anything it is complementing their taste. A man who wants to be more like a woman is less sexist, not to mention less aggressive. The way the world has been shaped by us created this divide. It created ignorance and arrogance. It created the social “right and wrong”.

People disagree with a man wearing woman’s clothes because it is not the “norm”, and who wants to be known to accept the “unusual” or the “strange”? The only reason you are aggressive (be it verbally or physically) is because you don’t want to appear “strange”. The “norm” was created by sexism, and therefore it should be removed by the lack of sexism.

It is sexist to say that skirts are for girls, or that blue is for boys. You cant sum people up by their gender, as nobody of the same gender is the same. Gender is a HUGE generalization.

It’s the same with diapers. You’ve grown out of diapers, you don’t need them. Why would you wet yourself on purpose? Because I want to! I don’t know why and I don’t know how, but I want to!

If a woman still wears training bra’s, because they are more comfortable, would she be considered strange? No, she is wearing it because she enjoys it, despite it being for “younger” people.

Why cant people get their head round the fact that people like different things. Who would want to be tied up and completely helpless? You would think that that is babyish, having no control. But wait, ever heard of bondage?!

There is absolutely NO reason to say that cross-dressing is wrong. it’s the same as the topic of gays. They didn’t choose to be gay, they just are. Saying that a woman cant have sex with a woman because she’s a woman is just like saying a woman cant be a soldier because she’s a woman.

Women can be soldiers, or builders, or policewomen, or rugby players, or lesbians!…
Imagine if everyone got to wear what they wanted, and do what they enjoy (unless its morally wrong)…

There would be no such thing as sexism, as you get girly men as well as boyish girls. Just because I want to wear a diaper doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy things that other guys enjoy. It doesn’t make me gay, it doesn’t make me weird.

Being weird is relative, relative to society. If every sissy went around in pink dresses, with full confidence and nothing to feel bad about, it wouldn’t be normal for me to hide it.
People say I need to grow up when I wear diapers. They don’t even understand why I’m wearing diapers. They don’t understand that I am mature enough to understand what I enjoy, and brave enough to do what I enjoy in the knowledge that I may be hurt by peoples opinions on me.

This has turned into a rant, sorry. 
miss lea
Beautiful, Sweetie. Sad but beautiful.
your both absalutely right! its just flat out wrong that people have to hide who there really are just because other people think its "weird".

for the longest time i've wanted to start wearing heels. not even that big of a deal, most people dont even notice the shoes a person is wearing, but fear of enevidible ridicule has thus far stopped me.

and thats just wrong.

a world with out predijuces. thats what i've always dreamed of. but that just isnt going to happen any time soon.
Yes.. the world is full of insecure people that need to know what "normal" is to allow them to feel comfortable. A problem with society is that people, as a generalization, want to "fit in" with their peers. This fitting in is something that we are taught from the youngest age and is encouraged (ok read forced) on us all the way through our schooling (education) and so it's hard for most people to shake. Then suddenly along come someone that doesn't "fit in". A man wearing girls clothing, a girl dressing "butch". As children we were taught to look down on different people. Taught to fit in.. so seeing someone not fit in, clashes against everything they have been taught all their lives. I'm not even going to mention parental influences as that varies from person to person but usually the gist is that boys play sport and girls sew and play with dolls.
So by choosing to dress different, you're putting your differences in their face and forcing them to deal with that. Most people wont deal with it.. most will look at you strange and then make snide comments.. sure.. but who is the more mature here? Sure we have a right to wear what we want.. but other people also have a right (in a public place) to see and be "normal". It's a bit of a catch 22 really..
Soooo... what I have done... is change my STYLE of clothing to suit the clothing I want to wear... As a guy you wanna wear makeup and dresses? Go for it... Dress Goth.. Done... and people will not comment on you wearing makeup or dresses (they may not like your goth clothing but thats another issue and much more acceptable in mainstream than a guy in straight drag... if that makes sense.

"Perception is reality"
thank you to all for the positive and constructive replys....
most appreciated and influencing on my next topics..
i shal tray to use my creative side soon...
might be shocking or it might be soothing... lets see :)
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