Jessybaby's Diary
Wet at work
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I work with alot of people. After so many years, they have become my friends/ family. However, none of them no the secret baby me. Last night was not the first time i wore diapers to work. But, it was the first time i have been completely wet. One of the guys was hiding in the back room, and when i went back there he snuck up behind me and grabbed me. That scared the piss out of me. Literally!  I only wet a little bit. But later on in the night i figured while no-one was around i would just go ahead and wet myself. So i did, and luckily no leaks  At first it felt great, having just wet like i normally did. The bliss, the comfort, the joy! I was so excited, but then i came to grips with where i was. I wasn't at home able to really enjoy myself. No, instead i felt like the little baby i so desperately wanted to be. Not that i'm complaining  
a new me teehee
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Baby Butch
It's been cold lately and I was diapered with rubber pants on too. I took a walk up to Publix in my diapers and it was fun walking around in the store. Of course I had a jacket and jeans on too.
its a great feeling
a new me teehee
nothing in my mind feels better than a soft fluffy diaper covering my bottom. well a wet one works too "giggle".  
i cant help but agree. its about time for a new nappy for me and a nap too.  
a new me teehee
 : So, Baby Jessy was just like a helpless little baby girl, stuck in her wet diapers with no ability to change into dry diapers? ;-) Bet you loved it.

Babies don't get to choose when or where they wet, or when they get changed, so the best way to emulate being a real baby is to put yourself in a situation where you will have a wet diaper, but can't do anything about it for a little while. Nothing better to make you feel helpless!
thats exactly how i felt Kita
a new me teehee
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