PG 13 Jessybaby update
Just saying hello
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Hello everyone, 

I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I am still here and doing fine. In fact I just received some new motivates and am waiting for the cuddle i ordered to come in the mail. Yay! I Wil try to keep everyone updated and hopefully sometime in the next few months get the diaper diary back up. Til next time teehee Jessybaby
a new me teehee
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Baby Butch
I have noticed you are around a little more often again. Did you manage to get a new computer? One week after my warranty expired someone deactivated my Windows 8.1 and my Microsoft Office 2013 would not open either.

It sucked because I don't know why or how this was done. I did manage to get it all back but it took many annoying calls to Dell support and they did not help being out of warranty.

I ended up "Refreshing" my computer back to its original default settings. Everything was reregistered to the right places and it took a day to get my computer back up to date.

The "Refresh" destroyed a years worth of updates and all files made since I bought it a year ago. I ended up with McAfee internet security since it was in my original agreement.

What are Motivates? Cuddles are expensive diapers I would like to know how you like them. Been thinking of trying something new. Have a great day, Jessybaby!
I do have a new computer but i posted from my phone. I meant molicares 
a new me teehee
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